C11 L2 the Mongols and Chinese Culture Guided Reading Answers

The Yuan dynasty in China (1279–1368)

Kublai Khan was one of China's greatest emperors. He achieved the unification of that country by annihilating the national Song empire (1279). Contrary to former custom, he treated the deposed imperial family well and forbade his generals from resorting to indiscriminate slaughter. After 1279 no new territories were added to the Mongol-Chinese empire, and a pair of attempts to expand Mongol rule to Japan were thwarted by the Kamikaze of 1274 and 1281. None of the later Yuan emperors reached the stature of Kublai. His immediate successor was his grandson, Temür (1295–1307), who was able to keep Mongol rule intact and maintain his position against repeated attacks from the Ögödei branch of Genghis Khan's family. The rival khan Kaidu was defeated in 1301 and peace was restored in the northwestern parts of the empire.

Marco Polo and Kublai Khan

Marco Polo and Kublai Khan

Marco Polo, his uncle, and his father presenting the pope's letter at the court of Kublai Khan, detail of an illuminated manuscript; in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, England.

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Although minor rebellions against the government could be still quelled by Mongol troops, the power of the court gradually began to decline. Family feuds and court intrigues weakened the power of later emperors. In several cases boys were enthroned who were nothing but puppets in the hands of ambitious ministers. The decline of the emperors is reflected in their surviving portraits. The influence of Chinese culture made itself more and more felt at court and among some of the Mongol nobility, although other Mongols remained hostile to everything Chinese. The last Mongol emperor, Togon-temür (reigned 1333–68), had become emperor at the age of 13. He had received the rudiments of a Chinese education and was, like some of his predecessors, a pious Buddhist and a benevolent though weak ruler. During the first years of his reign, however, power was in the hands of Bayan, a minister who belonged to the anti-Chinese faction and whose measures deepened the resentment of the educated Chinese against Mongol rule.

Genghis Khan

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Decline of Mongol power in China

The final decline of Mongol power in China and the chaotic conditions during Togon-temür's reign were but one of the many "times of trouble " in Chinese history. There was widespread unrest which often took the form of local rebellions against the Mongol authorities. The reasons for this development were chiefly economic, and it was, as usual in China, in the countryside that insurgents first ventured their attacks on the local administration. The situation of the peasantry was in many areas desperate; small farmers and tenants had to shoulder the burden of excessive taxation and corvée duties. The arbitrariness of Mongol nobles and officials caused general resentment among all Chinese.

It appears that the Mongol ruling class was never able to establish satisfactory relations with the agricultural population of China. Their lack of sympathy for agricultural problems was also reflected in the Mongol legislation on hunting: the peasants were forbidden to protect their crops against game animals and had moreover to assist the Mongols in hunting expeditions which invariably caused great damage in the fields. In the large towns, relations between Mongols and Chinese were usually better than in the countryside. Conditions became particularly strained in 1351 when the government proceeded to carry out an enormous plan for water conservation in the Huang He (Yellow River) region, which had been suffering from catastrophic floods. The leaders of local rebellions came without exception from the lower strata of society. They included salt smugglers, petty officials, sectarian leaders, monks, and shamans. In the southeastern provinces, agriculturally the richest and therefore most ruthlessly exploited region of the whole empire, rebellions were particularly numerous. The province of Zhejiang had for centuries been the greatest rice surplus area and Beijing, with its sizable population, had always been dependent on supplies from this region. When the lines of communication between north and south were cut by rebellions, the situation in the capital became precarious. The paper money on which the currency was based became entirely valueless, and the treasury was soon depleted. This again impaired the military efforts of the government.

It is a remarkable feature of the history of these years that at first the various rebellions, occurring independently of each other, were not motivated by nationalist feeling among the oppressed peasants but were directed against the upper classes regardless of their nationality. Contemporary sources provide abundant evidence that the Chinese gentry had as much to fear from the insurgents as had the Mongols. This explains why so many Chinese continued to assist the government. They apparently preferred the harsh rule of the foreigners to the violent popular movements of their compatriots. These rebels committed atrocities which for a number of years proved a great obstacle to a more widespread uprising. Gradually, however, more and more educated Chinese were won over to the cause of the rebels, who in their turn learned from them how to tackle the problems of administration and warfare.

The most successful rebel leader was the former monk Zhu Chongba. Born to a family of poor peasants, he showed more energy, patience, and military talent than his rivals. He succeeded not only in establishing himself firmly in the key economic areas but also in eliminating his rivals in the struggle for power. Zhu finally drove the Mongols out of Beijing (1368) and made himself emperor of a new dynasty, the Ming. He adopted the reign name Hongwu and, assisted by able generals, extended his rule over the whole of northern China by 1359. Mongol provincial commanders in the southwest continued their resistance, however, and Ming power was not established there until much later (Szechwan, 1371; Yünnan, 1382). The last Mongol emperor, Togon-temür, fled into the steppes and died there in 1370.

Thus ended more than a century of Mongol rule over China, The Mongols' defeat cannot, however, be attributed to degeneracy or corruption by the mollifying influences of life in a highly civilized Chinese atmosphere. Subsequent events showed that the Mongols had lost nothing of their military vigour, and they remained a menace to the northwest Chinese frontier. A realization of this potential danger possibly made the Hongwu emperor at first establish his capital not in Beijing, which was more or less a frontier town, but in the heart of China, in Nanjing, where he had set up his residence already in 1364. Zhu Chongba's rise to imperial power and the re-establishment of Chinese rule led to the elimination of political and economic activity not only among the Mongols but also among the many non-Mongol foreigners who had held office or made fortunes as merchants under the Mongols. Those foreigners who chose to stay in China changed their family names and gradually became assimilated. Foreign religions such as Islam and Christianity lost their privileges. Christianity was in fact completely wiped out as a consequence of the strong nationalist feelings of the Chinese.

C11 L2 the Mongols and Chinese Culture Guided Reading Answers

Source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Mongol-empire/The-Yuan-dynasty-in-China-1279-1368

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