Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling SET, Vols. 1A and 1B

Russell Hillberry , David Hummels , in Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, 2013

18.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses trade elasticities – the response of traded quantities to changes in prices of tradable goods. While the results of computable general equilibrium (CGE) experiments depend upon a number of inputs, trade elasticities are of particular interest because they significantly impact upon the modeled effects of policy experiments on trade patterns, welfare and factor returns, among other important phenomena.

It is common when calibrating CGE models to select trade elasticities from "the literature" while selecting other (taste and technology) parameters to allow the theory to replicate the data. 1 Curiously, there is no clear consensus on which elasticities to use. Major trade-focused CGE models draw elasticities from many different econometric studies. These econometric studies use very different data samples, response horizons and estimating techniques, and arrive at elasticities as much as an order of magnitude different from each other. This raises the critical question: which elasticities are "right?" Or at least, which are right for the particular modeling application at hand?

As a starting point for thinking about these issues, Figure 18.1 presents a simple partial equilibrium diagram in which the price and quantity of traded goods depends on export supply and import demand. Using this diagram, we can think through the effects of a policy experiment such as raising a tariff on foreign goods.

Figure 18.1. Import demand and export supply with a tariff shock.

To fix ideas, consider a parsimonious representation of import demand in which quantities imported depend on prices in the foreign country (F), inclusive of tariffs and real expenditures in the home country (H):

(18.1) ln q F = ln E H σ ln p F ( 1 + τ ) .

The key parameter is σ, which can be thought of as a reduced form measuring the elasticity of import quantities with respect to import prices, but is more commonly given a structural interpretation. For example, in many common CGE frameworks, this demand function arises from a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) cost or utility function in which buyers regard home and foreign varieties as imperfect substitutes. This is known as the Armington assumption (and σ is sometimes referred to as the Armington parameter or Armington elasticity), although very similar formulations arise in other common modeling frameworks such as monopolistic competition.

The parameterization of σ has important quantitative implications for a number of variables that are of interest to economists and policy makers alike, and we highlight these in Section 18.2. The most direct and explicit link is via import quantities. In Figure 18.1, a rise in tariff rates shifts the export supply curve upwards along the import demand curve. Here, the elasticity of import demand effectively summarizes the first-order response of traded quantities to changes in trade cost changes. These first-order effects, as summarized in Equation (18.2) imply that doubling the trade elasticity will double the response in measured quantities. 2

In Section 18.3 we survey the literature estimating import demand elasticities. We highlight important differences across the econometric literature in the price shocks observed, the time horizon over which responses are measured, the comparison set of countries and the level of aggregation. Estimates of σ vary considerably, and we provide a lengthy discussion of why these estimates vary and which are appropriate in different circumstances.

A recurring theme throughout the chapter is the difficulty of separating supply and demand parameters. Ideally, one would observe movements in export supply induced by policy shocks in the manner described in Figure 18.1. Unfortunately, data experiments of this sort are somewhat rare and so many early studies exploit time-series variation in foreign prices p F in Equation (18.1). Since prices are jointly determined by supply and demand this raises a critical issue of identification: are these time-series studies observing shocks to supply and identifying the elasticity of import demand or are they observing shocks to demand and observing the elasticity of export supply, or some combination of the two? In more recent econometric papers we survey, price variation is driven by shocks to tariffs or transportation costs in precisely the manner described in Figure 18.1. This sort of estimation procedure provides a reasonably close match to thought experiments typically contemplated in CGE trade liberalization exercises and also allows the econometrician to better control for shocks to demand.

In Section 18.4 we turn to the literature on estimating the elasticity of export supply. Single-country CGE trade models do not provide an explicit modeling of production and demand in the rest of the world. Instead, they may parameterize a country's exports to the rest of the world (and the supply of imports into that country from the rest of the world) in a reduced form way. These approaches have a weak connection between the underlying supply-side details that give rise to an export supply curve as in Figure 18.1 and we discuss the reduced form econometric work used to parameterize it.

Multicountry CGE trade models do provide explicit modeling of production and demand worldwide, and so do not parameterize export supply in this reduced form way. While these models are primarily interested in import demand elasticities, the identification issue just discussed requires the econometrician to account for supply. We next discuss a literature that estimates systems of export supply and import demand in order to get proper identification of each. While this literature has primarily been mined for import demand elasticities, it provides a potentially useful source of export supply elasticities.

To make progress on the export supply front it is necessary to move away from reduced forms and provide a parameterization that is closely linked to theory. We discuss developments in the literature on trade with heterogeneous firms that provide such a link. These developments are useful on one dimension and challenging on another – the possibility of within industry heterogeneity calls into question the identification of demand parameters used throughout a large literature, they suggest that econometricians are actually, and only, estimating supply responses!

Finally, in Section 18.5 we discuss structural estimation as a possible way forward. We step the reader through a progression of papers in order to show the assumptions under which import demand and export supply parameters can be extracted from available data. None of these approaches are "magic bullets." Our discussion instead highlights the point that these papers differ primarily in what they hold fixed, or what external parameters they bring to bear in order to extract residual parameters from the data.

Ultimately, the interpretation of trade responses is model dependent. CGE practitioners should come away from this survey with a sense of where the elasticities "in the literature" come from, how they are identified and what they purport to measure. We do not ultimately pronounce upon the question of which estimates provide the "right" elasticities. Rather we hope to inform the choice of trade response parameters by informing practitioners about the nature of the assumptions econometricians have undertaken in order to move from the theory to the data to resulting estimates.

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Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling SET, Vols. 1A and 1B

James A. Giesecke , John R. Madden , in Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, 2013

7.5.3 Behavioral parameters

It is common practice for regional CGE models to use elasticities borrowed from their national counterparts (e.g. Jones and Whalley, 1989; Madden, 1990). While this is a reasonable approach in the case of most types of elasticities, frequent concern is expressed in the case of the inter-regional trade Armington elasticities (e.g. Partridge and Rickman, 2010). It is commonplace for regional CGE modelers to undertake sensitivity analysis on these latter elasticities (Turner, 2009).

In the case of many countries, there is a dearth of the regional data required to undertake econometric estimates of inter-regional trade elasticities. There have been, however, some studies (e.g. Bilgic et al., 2002; Ha et al., 2010) that econometrically estimate inter-regional Armington elasticities for the US where commodity flow surveys are undertaken by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics at 5-year intervals. Ha et al. compare their results for inter-regional elasticities with Bilgic et al.'s, and with three studies estimating Armington estimates in international trade. 73 The comparison is made for agriculture, mining and seven manufacturing commodities, and it suggests, in general, that inter-regional and international elasticities are within the same broad order of magnitude. They give no support to the often-held idea that international trade elasticities form a lower bound for the corresponding inter-regional import elasticities.

Certainly, it is an area calling for further econometric work. Examination of the movement in inter-regional twist parameters and price movements from historical multiregional CGE simulations might reveal evidence as to whether the inter-regional import elasticity estimates currently being used are reasonable. However, on the face of it, the use of inter-regional import elasticities equal to or close to their international counterparts would seem reasonable.

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The Effects of Trade Policy

P.K. Goldberg , N. Pavcnik , in Handbook of Commercial Policy, 2016

3.1.3 Trade Elasticity and Trade Policy

As we conclude the topic of the effects of trade policy on trade flows and gradually move toward an analysis of its effects on the gains from trade, one more observation is necessary. Recent work on the gains from trade (Arkolakis et al., 2010 ) has highlighted the importance of the reduced-form trade elasticity in computing the aggregate gains from trade. Given that the trade elasticity relates—by its very definition—changes in trade flows to changes in trade costs, exploiting observable changes in trade policy (ie, tariff reductions) seems an obvious way to credibly estimate it. What trade elasticity estimates do changes in trade policy imply?

Perhaps surprisingly, estimates of the trade elasticity based on actual trade policy changes are scarce, and the few that exist are all over the place. As discussed in Hillberry and Hummels (2013) in their review of the trade elasticity parameters used in the literature, the "trade elasticity" is usually estimated either based on cross-sectional (cross-country and cross-industry) variation of trade costs other than trade policy barriers or based on time series variation stemming from exchange rate fluctuations. Studies that rely on cross-sectional variation are often labeled "micro" studies and yield high values for the trade elasticity (around five or higher). Studies that rely on time-series variation are often identified as "macro" studies and yield low estimates for the trade elasticity, around one or lower. A standard explanation for these divergent results is that cross-sectional studies identify long-run effects corresponding to different steady states associated with different trade costs, while studies based on time-series variation capture only the short-run effects of changing trade costs. Economic agents have time to adjust in the long run so the long-run trade elasticity is larger than the short-run elasticity. While this explanation is appealing, it abstracts from the fact that the two types of studies rely on very different sources of variation, so that the different estimates could instead be due to these different sources of variation. Indicatively, Shapiro (2014) relies on panel data in order to estimate the trade elasticity. The use of panel data implies that his elasticity estimate should be best thought of as a short-run one; yet, his results are closer to the ones obtained by cross-sectional studies because he relies on similar sources of variation.

This review does not examine work on estimation of the trade elasticity, but given the central role that trade elasticity plays in a number of trade models and in welfare analysis, it is surprising that trade policy has not been exploited to a larger extent to identify this crucial parameter. To our knowledge, the only exceptions to this pattern are the work by Yi (2003)—who however calculated the trade elasticity implied by tariff reductions only to subsequently denounce it as implausible—and the estimates provided in recent work by Caliendo and Parro (2015). Caliendo and Parro estimate sectoral trade elasticities based on the import tariff reductions associated with NAFTA. The estimates displayed in table 1 of their paper display substantial heterogeneity, with trade elasticities ranging from 0.37 to 51.8! The authors reject the null hypothesis of a common elasticity across sectors. The heterogeneity of the estimates suggests that trade elasticity estimates may vary by sector, time, and country. This makes careful empirical work that exploits trade policy variation in order to identify the trade elasticity/ies more important. The fact that a key parameter in the trade literature is so rarely estimated based on trade policy variation speaks to the secondary role assigned to trade policy.

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Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling SET, Vols. 1A and 1B

Thomas Hertel , in Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, 2013

12.3.2 Systematic sensitivity analysis

Based on the foregoing discussion, it is clear that we are unlikely to have access to a fully validated, global CGE model in the near future. A more modest goal is to provide sufficient robustness checks to assure policy makers that key findings are not simply a function of certain arbitrary (or worse yet, strategically selected) parameter settings. This leads to the topic of systematic sensitivity analysis (SSA) – a tool that has been widely employed in the GTAP community to explore the sensitivity of model results to parametric uncertainty. The basic idea is to sample from a set of parameter distributions, each time re-solving the model and saving the results. After completion of the SSA, the user can compute standard statistics – most commonly the mean and variance of model results, thereupon providing model consumers with appropriately constructed confidence intervals. Thus, it should be possible to say, for example: "Given the overall structure of the GTAP model, we are 95% confident that this policy will improve regional welfare." Of course, the only sources of uncertainty are the parameters and the policy shocks, which can be varied separately and/or together according to a specified covariance matrix (Horridge and Pearson, 2011).

There is now a long history of CGE studies utilizing SSA (for early contributions to this literature, see Pagan and Shannon, 1987; Wigle, 1991; Harrison and Vinod, 1992; Harrison et al., 1993). The fundamental problem with SSA in a large-scale CGE model is that the individual model solutions can be quite time-consuming, even with modern computational facilities. This may preclude solving the model 10,000 times, as might be desirable from the point of view of Monte Carlo Analysis. Fortunately, other methods have been developed that appear to perform quite well in the context of standard CGE models. In particular, DeVuyst and Preckel (1997) show that a modest number of solutions via Gaussian Quadrature can approximate the true mean and variance of model results quite well for a simple, global CGE model. The Gaussian Quadrature approach has been tailored for use in GTAP through a series of GTAP Technical Papers (Arndt, 1996; Pearson and Arndt, 2000; Horridge and Pearson, 2011). Indeed, the tools for implementing SSA in RunGTAP make it difficult for any author to excuse themselves from providing such robustness checks on their results and journal reviewers are increasingly insisting on SSA as part of the peer-review process.

Of course, none of the foregoing discussion touches on the question of how to specify the parameter distributions and these are central in determining the distributions of model results. Some authors have taken the approach of surveying the literature, treating each estimate of a given parameter as a draw from the underlying distribution (Harrison et al., 1993). The problem with this approach is that there is a limited pool of published studies and many of them make different assumptions in their estimation approaches. In addition, the process of peer review has a tendency to lead to overly narrow parameter distributions, with so-called "unreasonable" values being ruled out a priori during the peer-review process. A more common approach to SSA is to simply specify a uniform or a triangular distribution with a lower endpoint of zero (for non-negative elasticity values). This reassures the reader that the author is being suitable conservative by specifying a generous variance in the underlying distribution. However, none of this is really satisfactory. It would be far preferable to actually estimate the relevant parameters and the associated distributions and use these directly in the SSA.

This led Hertel et al. (2003) to undertake such an exercise in the context of their analysis of the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). Following earlier work by Hummels, 11 their econometric work focuses on the estimation of a particular parameter, the elasticity of substitution among imports from different countries, which is central to any evaluation of a discriminatory trade agreement such as the FTAA. They match the data in the econometric exercise (from North and South America) to the policy experiment at hand, and employ both point estimates and the associated standard errors in a policy analysis which takes explicit account of the degree of uncertainty in the underlying parameters. In particular, they sample from the distribution of parameter values given by their econometric estimates in order to generate a distribution of model results from which they then construct confidence intervals. These authors find that imports increase in all regions of the world as a result of the FTAA, and this outcome is robust to variation in the trade elasticities. Nine of the 13 FTAA regions experience a welfare gain in which they are more than 95% confident. The authors conclude that there is great potential for combining econometric work with CGE-based policy analysis in order to produce a richer set of results that are likely to prove more satisfying to the sophisticated policy maker.

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Handbook of International Economics

Arnaud Costinot , Andrés Rodríguez-Clare , in Handbook of International Economics, 2014

5.3 Calibrating Elasticities

The key parameters for counterfactual analysis using gravity models, like other CGE models, are elasticities. We conclude this section by discussing some of the issues arising when calibrating elasticities.

Trade Elasticities. As can already be seen from the counterfactual analysis carried in the context of the Armington model in Section 2 , the single most important structural parameter in gravity models is the trade elasticity. Conditional on observed trade shares, it determines both the response of bilateral trade flows and real consumption. In more general environments such as those considered in Section 3, it remains one of the key statistics required to estimate the gains from international trade; see equations (23), (27), and (32). So, how large are trade elasticities?

This question is an old one. It is as important for recent gravity models reviewed in this chapter as for earlier CGE models. The broad consensus in the CGE literature is, in the words of Dawkins et al. (2001), that "the quantity and quality of literature-based elasticity parameters for use in calibrated models is another Achilles' heel of calibration." As John Whalley notes "It is quite extraordinary how little we know about numerical values of elasticities […] In the international trade area researchers commonly use import price elasticities in the neighborhood of unity, even for small economies, even though elasticity estimates as high as nine appear in the literature." The same pessimism can be found in the review of trade elasticities by McDaniel and Balistreri (2003): "The estimates from the literature provide a wide range of point estimates, and little guidance on correct estimates to apply to a given commodity in a given model for a given regional aggregation. Most of the controversy surrounding the [trade] elasticities reduces to a general structural inconsistency between the econometric models used to measure the response and the simulation models used to evaluate policy."

Part of the success of new quantitative work in international trade lies in the tight connection between the structural estimation of the trade elasticity and the underlying economic model. In their seminal work, Eaton and Kortum (2002) offer multiple ways to estimate structurally the trade elasticity using a gravity equation akin to equation (16). Their estimates range from ε = 3.60 to ε = 12.86 with a preferred value of ε = 8.28 when using price gaps as a measure of trade costs. While the range is wide, it remains in the range of elasticities used in earlier CGE models; see Hertel (1997). In recent work, Simonovska (2011) refines Eaton and Kortum's (2002) preferred estimation strategy to take into account the fact that price gaps are only lower-bounds on trade costs. Simonovska and Waugh (2011) propose a simulated method of moments to correct for the fact that trade elasticities using price gaps tend to overestimate the sensitivity of trade flows to trade costs. Their preferred estimate of ε is 4.12 .

The merits of a tight connection between theory and data notwithstanding, the state of affairs remains far from ideal. An issue with simulation using earlier CGE models, such as those used in the evaluation of NAFTA, is that they require a very large number of elasticities. Many recent papers, following Eaton and Kortum (2002), side-step this issue by assuming that all goods enter utility functions through a unique CES aggregator. But empirically, there is ample evidence of significant variation in the trade elasticity across sectors; see e.g. Feenstra (1994), Broda and Weinstein (2006), and Hummels and Hillberry (2012). If so, why should we be more confident in the counterfactual predictions of simpler gravity models that abstract from this heterogeneity? Given the heterogeneity in the trade elasticity across sectors, is the trade elasticity estimated from an aggregate gravity equation like (16) the "right" trade elasticity to calibrate a one-sector model? 32

A natural way to address the previous concerns is to write down multiple-sector models, such as those considered in Section 3.3, and incorporate formally the heterogeneity in trade elasticities across sectors. But this raises new issues. As the number of elasticities that needs to be estimated increases, the precision with which each of those elasticities is estimated tends to decrease. Accordingly, results become much more sensitive to the presence of outliers. To take a concrete example, the sector-level elasticities from Caliendo and Parro (2010) used in Section 3.3 are around 8 on average. But for some sectors, like automobiles, trade elasticities are not statistically different from zero. An elasticity of zero would imply infinite gains from trade. 33

Upper-Level Elasticities (I): Substitution Across Sectors. Going from a one-sector to a multi-sector model raises another question: How large is the elasticity of substitution between sectors? All papers referenced in Section 3.3 follow what Dawkins et al. (2001) refer to as the "idiot's law of elasticities": all elasticities are equal to one until shown to be otherwise. How important is the assumption that upper-level utility functions are Cobb-Douglas for the predictions of multi-sector quantitative trade models?

To shed light on this question, let us make the same assumptions as in Section 3.3, except for the fact the upper-level utility function is now given by

(43) C j = s = 1 S β j , s C j , s ( γ - 1 ) / γ γ / ( γ - 1 ) ,

where γ > 0 denotes the upper-level elasticity of substitution between goods from different sectors; β j , s 0 are exogenous preference parameters, which we normalize such that s = 1 S β j , s = 1 for all j ; and C j , s still denotes total consumption of the composite good s in country j . The Cobb-Douglas case studied in Section 3.3 corresponds to γ = 1 .

For simplicity let us focus on the case of perfect competition, δ s = 0 all s . Following a procedure similar to that in Section 3.1, one can show that if sector-level price indices are given by equation (20), then the welfare impact of a shock generalizes to

(44) C ˆ j = s = 1 S e j , s λ ˆ jj , s - 1 ( γ - 1 ) / ε s 1 / ( γ - 1 ) .

Gains from trade are thus given by

(45) G j = 1 - s = 1 S e j , s λ jj , s ( γ - 1 ) / ε s 1 / ( γ - 1 ) .

In Section 3.3, we have pointed out that multi-sector models with Cobb-Douglas preferences predict significantly larger gains than one-sector models. Using equation (45), we can now quantify the importance of the Cobb-Douglas assumption for this prediction.

In Figure 4.4 we plot G j as a function of γ using equation (45) for several countries—the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and Japan—as well as the average G j for all countries considered in Table 4.1. We see that the value of the upper-level elasticity γ —for which the existing empirical literature provides little guidance—has large effects on the magnitude of the gains from trade. As we go from the Leontief case, γ = 0 , to the Cobb-Douglas case, γ = 1 , to an upper-level elasticity equal to the average of lower-level elasticities, γ = 8 , average gains from trade decrease from 45 % to 15 % to 3 % . 34 The intuition is simple. If the elasticity of substitution between sectors is high, then the consequences of autarky are mitigated by consumers' ability to substitute consumption away from the most affected sectors, i.e., those with lowest values of λ jj , s 1 / ε s , towards the least affected sectors, i.e., those with highest values of λ jj , s 1 / ε s . By the same token, however, the gains from further trade liberalization would tend to be higher with a higher γ , since consumers could more easily reallocate their consumption towards goods that experience larger price declines. 35

Figure 4.4. Gains from Trade Computed According to Equation (45) for Different Levels of γ .

Sector-level trade elasticities are from Caliendo and Parro (2010). Data are from WIOD in 2008.

Upper-Level Elasticities (II): Domestic versus Foreign. Another, and perhaps deeper issue regarding gravity estimates of the trade elasticity is that they capture the elasticity of substitution between foreign sources of imports. Yet, the elasticity that one needs, for instance, for measuring the gains from trade is the elasticity of substitution between home and import goods. To see this formally, let us go back to the simple Armington model presented in Section 2.1, but let us generalize equation (1) so that

C j = ( C jj ) ( γ - 1 ) / γ + C j M ( γ - 1 ) / γ γ / ( γ - 1 ) ,

where C j M measures total consumption of imported goods,

C j M = i j ψ ij σ / ( σ - 1 ) C ij ( σ - 1 ) / σ σ / ( σ - 1 ) .

The upper-level elasticity γ > 1 now represents the elasticity of substitution between the domestic good and the composite of the foreign goods, whereas the lower-level elasticity σ > 0 still represents the elasticity of substitution between foreign goods. The simple Armington model corresponds to the special case, γ = σ . Under this new demand system, bilateral trade flows still satisfy a gravity-like equation:

(46) X ij = P j M P j 1 - γ P ij P j M 1 - σ E j , for all i j ,

where P ij = τ ij P ii is the price of goods from country i in country j ; P j M ( i j ψ ij 1 - σ P ij 1 - σ ) 1 / ( 1 - σ ) is the import price index; and P j = ( ( P jj ) 1 - γ + ( P j M ) 1 - γ ) 1 / ( 1 - γ ) is the consumer price index in country j . In this more general environment, one can still rearrange bilateral trade flows as we did in equation (13) and use the cross-sectional variation in trade flows and trade costs to estimate 1 - σ .

Now, like in Section 2.2, consider a small change in trade costs that affects country j . The change in the consumer price index is still given by

d ln P j = λ jj d ln P jj + 1 - λ jj d ln P j M .

But our new demand system now implies

d ln 1 - λ jj - d ln λ jj = 1 - γ d ln P j M - d ln P jj .

Following the same strategy as in Section 2.2, one can therefore show that

(47) d ln C j = d ln λ jj / 1 - γ .

While gravity estimates can uncover the lower-level elasticity, σ , equation (47) shows that the upper-level elasticity, γ , i.e., the elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign goods, is the relevant elasticity for welfare analysis. 36

In standard gravity models, it is only the assumption of symmetric CES utility that allows researchers to go from the commonly estimated elasticity, σ , to the welfare-relevant elasticity, γ . When estimated, does the elasticity of substitution between home and import goods, γ , look similar to the elasticity of substitution between foreign goods, σ ? Head and Ries (2001) suggest that the answer is yes. They measure the average of the elasticity of demand for Canadian goods in Canada relative to U.S. goods and the elasticity of demand for U.S. goods in the United States relative to Canadian goods. If all trade was U.S.–Canada trade, their estimate would therefore provide an estimate of γ . They find an average elasticity equal to 7.8 , quite in line with previous gravity estimates of σ . Likewise, using the methodology of Feenstra (1994) to estimate both γ and σ , Feenstra et al. (2013) cannot reject the null that γ and σ are equal.

Factor Supply Elasticities. The multi-sector gravity models that we have reviewed assume a perfectly-elastic factor supply to each sector. Thus, except for the case with sector-level differences in factor intensities considered in Section 3.5, the aggregate production possibilities frontier (PPF) is linear. In practice one may expect factors to be imperfect substitutes across sectors. For instance some workers may have a comparative advantage in particular sectors, as in a Roy-type model, or some natural resources may be critical inputs to production in some sectors and not others. Such considerations would lead to more "curvature" in the PPF and, conditional on observed trade flows, larger gains from trade.

To take an extreme example, consider the petroleum sector. The trade elasticity, ε s , for this sector estimated by Caliendo and Parro (2010) is around 70 . The formula presented in Section 3.3 would therefore predict very small gains from trade in this sector. Yet, of course, one would expect many oil importing countries to face enormous losses from moving to autarky. One simple way to capture such considerations would be to go back to the multi-factor model presented in Section 3.5 and assume factors employed in the petroleum sector are specific to that sector, effectively making petroleum an endowment. To explore the quantitative importance of these type of considerations, we have recomputed the gains from trade in the multi-factor model under the assumption that all sectors are perfectly competitive and all factors are sector-specific. 37 In line with the previous discussion, we find larger gains from trade under the assumption that factors are sector-specific, with the cross-country average for G j going from 15.3 % to 17.2 % .

Other Elasticities: Love of Variety and Extensive Margin. We conclude by discussing the calibration of the elasticity of substitution, σ , and the extensive margin elasticity, η , introduced in equation (15) and its sector-level counterparts, equations (20), (26), and (30). Given estimates of the trade elasticity, ε , these two elasticities are irrelevant for welfare analysis under perfect competition. Under monopolistic competition, however, we have seen that in the presence of intermediate goods, as in Section 3.4, or in multi-sector models with general CES preferences, as discussed above, the values of σ and η do matter above and beyond the value of the trade elasticity, ε . In these richer environments, the predictions of models with and without firm-level heterogeneity are different and the magnitude of the difference crucially depends on how σ and η are calibrated.

As shown in Section 3.2, the three elasticities ε , σ , and η are not independent of one another. In gravity models, ε determines the overall response of trade flows to changes in trade costs, whereas σ - 1 determine their responses at the intensive margin and η = ε - σ - 1 σ - 1 determines their response at the extensive margin, ε - σ - 1 , weighted by the love of variety, σ - 1 . Given an estimate of the trade elasticity, ε , one therefore only needs an estimate of σ to compute η and vice versa. The most direct way to estimate σ or η is to use firm-level trade data; see e.g. Crozet and Koenig (2010) and Eaton et al. (2011). When available, they offer a simple way to estimate the intensive margin elasticity, i.e., by how much the sales of a given set of firms respond to changes in trade costs, and the extensive margin elasticity, i.e., by how much the number of firms responds to changes in trade costs. 38 Eaton et al. (2011) estimate a value of 1.5 for η in a one-sector model, whereas Crozet and Koenig (2010) obtain estimates of ε s and η s for several sectors. Interestingly, the average η s   across s estimated by Crozet and Koenig (2010) is also 1.5 , with little variation across sectors. 39

Balistreri and Rutherford (2012) nicely illustrate the issues inherent to the calibration of models of monopolistic competition. The authors compare the predictions of a model without firm-heterogeneity, like Krugman (1980), to those of a model with firm-heterogeneity, like Melitz (2003), in a model with identical countries, three sectors, nested CES preferences, but no inter-industry trade, e j , s = r j , s . Changes in real consumption are given by equation (22). Using the fact that η s = ε s - σ s - 1 σ s - 1 , one can show that the overall scale effects, e ˆ j , s η s r ˆ j , s δ s / ε s , are equal to r ˆ j , s 1 / σ s - 1 in the two models. Thus the only difference between the predictions of the two models comes from the different values of σ s used in the calibration of the two models. In their calibration, Balistreri and Rutherford (2012) assume that ε s is equal to 4.6 in both models, but that η s is equal to 0 in the Krugman-version and 0.65 in the Melitz-version. This implies calibrated values of σ s = ε s / 1 + η s + 1 equal to 5.6 in the Krugman-version and 3.8 in the Melitz-version. This leads to stronger love of variety and, in turn, larger entry effects and gains from trade liberalization in the latter model. The question, of course, is whether one should take seriously that love of variety is much stronger than previously thought because the intensive margin is only one particular margin of adjustment of trade flows, σ s - 1 < ε s , in models with firm-level heterogeneity.

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Preferential Trade Agreements

N. Limão , in Handbook of Commercial Policy, 2016

1 Introduction

In 2010 the number of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) in force was four times higher than in 1990. The participation in PTAs is widespread: in 2010 each member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) also participated in an average of 13 PTAs, up from only 2 in 1990 (WTO, 2011). This trend, the negotiation of mega-agreements by the United States and Europe and the evidence discussed later, indicates that PTAs are the most important source of trade policy reform in the last 20 years for most countries.

In Fig. 1, we see that the proliferation of PTAs has continued after the creation of the WTO in a period when nonpreferential MFN tariffs were declining. Some of the largest growth has occurred in the last decade even though average MFN tariffs are at their lowest, averaging less than 8% in 2009. The traditional Vinerian view of PTAs, and most of the economic analysis, treats them as a static reduction in tariffs with respect to a preferential partner. But if the initial tariffs are already low then so is the preferential tariff margin, which raises two basic questions. What explains the formation and proliferation of so many PTAs and what are their basic trade and welfare effects on members?

Fig. 1. Preferential and multilateral liberalization.

To answer these two questions, I first provide some stylized facts about the importance and evolution of trade between PTA members. Their share of world trade almost tripled between 1965 and 2010, with "deeper" PTAs becoming increasingly more important. A detailed examination of the provisions of modern PTAs in 2011 reveals policy cooperation far beyond reductions in applied tariffs. I provide a taxonomy of PTAs in terms of policy depth and breadth, where the latter includes economic and noneconomic provisions. Some of these provisions also evolved over time in the context of the GATT/WTO and others go far beyond it.

Despite the diverse nature of these agreements, they share one common feature, a policy that aims to increase market access for at least one member. Therefore in Section 3, I examine if PTAs cause increases in bilateral trade between members. After discussing the methodological issues associated with these estimates I conclude that, when properly estimated, these effects are large on average; possibly too large to be explained by the observed preferential tariff reductions on final goods. Moreover, the effects are heterogeneous across PTAs, even after controlling for tariffs, and increasing up to 10 years after the agreement, suggesting a gradual or dynamic effect. From the perspective of the traditional view of PTAs as static tariff reductions these facts appear puzzling since the observed tariff reductions are modest, as the evidence shows for PTAs since 1990. I describe what features of a richer economic and policy setting would explain the "puzzle."

In Section 4 , I examine specific economic motives and effects of deeper PTAs, which address trade policies beyond tariffs and aim to integrate production structures across countries. These features of recent deeper PTAs augment the economic and policy structure relative to the traditional view in a way that can help to explain the estimated aggregate trade effects. I argue the trade policy structure should be augmented to incorporate current nontariff barriers (NTBs) and also uncertainty about future policies, where the latter is particularly important in the context of dynamic models with export investments. I then review recent evidence that shows PTAs continue to serve an important market access role even if current tariffs and NTBs were zero. The evidence suggests that certain PTAs can credibly secure market access relative to that obtained in the context of WTO and thus serve as insurance against trade wars during large crisis. The trade elasticity with respect to uncertain preferences on the other hand is negligible, which can partly explain the heterogeneous trade effects of PTAs.

Another insight from Section 4 is that certain important dimensions of deeper trade policy cooperation are measurable and contain sufficient variation to identify interesting impacts of PTAs. a Doing so helps bridge the extreme gap between most of the current theory (and quantitative work), which models only applied tariff changes and constant trade elasticity, and the empirical research that estimates average treatment effects using a PTA dummy but leaves the channel unspecified.

A substantial fraction of trade takes the form of intermediate goods. Moreover, one stated reason for PTAs is to allow members to reorganize the production process across countries more efficiently. In Section 4, I discuss recent empirical work on PTAs where intermediate good linkages can generate additional trade effects relative to the traditional view that focuses on final goods. This occurs for example due to multiple border crossings, which translate into higher trade elasticities when protection is low.

In Section 5, I address two questions. First, what are the motives for PTAs and the evidence for the mechanisms underlying them? Second, what are the empirical determinants of the formation of PTAs and their policies? I start in Section 5.1 by reviewing the standard trade off in the context of traditional PTAs and the evidence on the mechanisms behind them: trade creation, diversion, and terms-of-trade effects. I then describe some nontraditional motives for PTAs. These motives reflect political economy considerations and international bargaining externalities, as well as some provisions in PTAs documented in Section 2, both economic (eg, FDI, technology diffusion) and noneconomic (eg, environment, human rights, conflict, democracy). I describe the still scant evidence for some mechanisms underlying these nontraditional motives.

In Section 5.2, I review the empirical determinants of (i) PTAs between pairs of countries and (ii) endogenous preferential tariff levels. The potential for bilateral trade plays an important role in the probability of PTA formation, which confirms the importance of addressing endogeneity in gravity estimates. There is suggestive evidence that trade diversion also plays a role but causality is not yet established; this and other aspects of the determinants of PTAs remain fertile ground for research. One promising avenue is to explore preferential tariffs and other product level policy data. This may allow us to test sharper predictions, establish causal effects, and identify certain structural parameters that may be used to quantify interesting counterfactuals.

In Fig. 1, we see not only that PTAs continued to proliferate after the creation of the WTO but also that no major multilateral trade negotiation has succeeded since. The Doha Round was launched 6 years after the creation of the WTO and it is yet to be concluded. WTO membership has continued to expand and this along with the expansion of PTAs implies that a large fraction of trade between WTO members is between preferential groups. The fraction of country pairs in the WTO that also belong to PTAs increased by a factor of 10 in that period and in 2010 they accounted for over 50% of trade between WTO members, even if not all is done under preferential tariffs. This raises the question of how preferential and multilateral agreements and policies interact, which I analyze in Section 6.

A similar interdependence question arose in the early 1990s when PTAs started to proliferate while the Uruguay Round (UR) stalled. This generated a number of important theoretical insights. Some have implications for the equilibrium structure of agreements, which are hard to test empirically. An alternative approach focuses on estimating the implications of the theory for preferential tariffs and how they change the incentives to apply tariffs against nonmembers. I conclude that the existing empirical research has provided important insights on the effects of preferences on protection against nonmembers. This should be complemented with further analysis of the incentives to change deeper policy cooperation, eg, uncertainty and NTBs. These deeper policy dimensions are increasingly important determinants of trade and thus of the potential of PTAs to affect nonmembers.

The long-standing importance of PTAs in the trading system has generated a number of important contributions that review them. Baldwin and Venables (1995) provide a comprehensive analysis of the allocation, accumulation, and location effects of regional integration. Some of their insights from economic geography models are still relevant and I will not attempt to update them. They also discuss some systematic implications of PTAs for the multilateral trading system but since then there have been considerable theoretical and empirical advances—some reviewed by Freund and Ornelas (2010) and also in this chapter. Krishna (2008) reviews the theoretical literature focusing on static impacts of PTAs, mostly in a Vinerian setting, which I do not address except to place more recent work in context. WTO (2011) provides interesting analysis on the nature and motives of recent PTAs. Bagwell et al. (forthcoming), Maggi (2014), and Grossman (2016) review the literature on trade agreements more generally with some reference to PTAs as well but do not address some of the core issues in this chapter, such as the trade effects and empirical determinants of PTAs.

There are some important lessons and guidance for future research, which I highlight throughout the chapter and in the final section. Befitting this interesting and important topic the main conclusion is that we have learned much about PTAs from recent research but many interesting questions remain to be addressed using existing and new theoretical, empirical, and quantitative approaches. The Online Appendix (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/bs.hescop.2016.04.013) describes the data and programs available to replicate and extend the empirical analysis. b

The following is the Supplementary material related to this chapter.

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Vertical specialization, FDI and China's import–export imbalance

Wang Wei , in Vertical Specialization and Trade Surplus in China, 2013

Empirical evidence of the relationship between FDI and international trade in China based on VS

Data description

The data series we use have been obtained from the China Statistical Yearbook and the China Foreign Economic Statistical Yearbook for the period 1980 to 2010. Eviews 6.0 econometric software is applied to test the cointegrating relationship.

Cointegration test of the relationship among FDI, exports and imports in China

The empirical analysis employs annual data on import (IM), export (EX) and FDI for China over the period 1983–2010. All the variables considered in the model are expressed in natural logarithms. It is necessary to examine the stationarity of the concerned variables since regression analyses using non-stationary variables may lead to spurious regressions. The augmented Dickey-Fuller test is performed with respect to the variables under consideration to test the stationarity. This chapter uses Engle and Granger's (1987) methods to test the cointegrating relationship. The augmented Dickey- Fuller test results show that the levels of the concerned variables (LNFDI, LNEX and LNIM) are not stationary at any reasonable level of significance. So it is necessary to examine whether or not the first differenced forms of the concerned variables are stationary. Optimal lags in the ADF test are chosen by Schwarz selection criteria. The first differenced forms of the concerned variables are revealed to be stationary. Therefore, it is assumed that all concerned variables are integrated of order one.

In cases where the concerned variables are non-stationary but integrated to the same order, it is necessary to examine whether or not there exist long-term equilibrium relationships among the concerned variables, using cointegration tests. If there exists at least a cointegrating vector among these variables, it could be concluded that there are long-term equilibrium relationships among these variables.

The variables being integrated are of order 1 (i.e I(1)), the series are tested for existence of any contegrating relationship between LNFDI, LNEX and LNIM. Having established that all variables are integrated of the same order, we have conducted the Engle-Granger's (EG) residual-based ADF test. As the first step of the EG cointegration test, we estimated an equation using the OLS method. The second step of the EG procedure is to check the stationarity of residuals by using the ADF test. The results from the EG cointegration test are estimated as shown below:

(1) In FDI = 2 . 021688 + 1 . 936278 ln EX 0 . 972702 ln IM + u ( - 2 . 238677 ) ( 2 . 130841 ) ( - 0 . 984424 ) R 2 = 0 . 838202 Adjusted R 2 = 0 . 825258

The test results suggested that the long-run relationship holds, because it can reject the null hypothesis about the unit root at the ten percent significance in the case of the equation (1) residuals.

These results indicate that long-run equilibrium exists among LNFDI, LNEX and LNIM for China since test statistics are above the ten percent critical value.

The positive and significant coefficient on LNEX suggests that export performance is strongly associated with FDI. Its value of 1.936278 implies that a one percent change in the level of exports is associated with a 1.936278% increase in FDI. This finding confirms that exports have a strong tendency to influence FDI under VS. Statistically speaking, exports are an important factor affecting FDI absorption. However, the negative coefficient on LNIM suggests that a one percent change in the level of imports is associated with −   0.972702% decrease in FDI absorption. The results on LNEX and LNIM are expected. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis. The absolute value of export elasticity is bigger than that of import elasticity. They indicate that FDI absorption is positively associated with both the net export level and trade surplus in China. The result also shows that the trade surplus is an important contributor to China's FDI absorption. VS through FDI has been one of the key reasons for China's trade surplus. FDI can help inputs and components into industries that have the potential to compete internationally, and the global linkages of FIEs can promote exports through their channels of distribution.

Cointegration test on the relationship between exports by FIEs and China's total exports

This empirical analysis employs annual data on total exports (TEX) and FIEs export (FEX) for China over the period 1980–2009. All the variables considered in the model are expressed in natural logarithms. The augmented Dickey- Fuller test results show that the first differenced forms of the concerned variables are revealed to be stationary. The variables being integrated of order 1 i.e. I(1), the series are tested for existence of cointegrating relationship between LNTEX and LNFEX. The results from EG cointegration test are estimated as shown below:

(2) In TEX = 5 . 266378 + 0 . 3833521 ln FEX + ɛ ( 33 . 219445 ) ( 14 . 36086 ) R 2 = 0 . 880462 Adjusted R 2 = 0 . 876192

The test results suggested that the long-run equilibrium relationship holds because it can reject the null hypothesis about the unit root at the five percent significance in the case of the equation (2) residuals. The positive and significant coefficient on LNFEX suggests that total export performance is strongly associated with FIEs export performance. Its value of 0.383352 implies that a one percent change in the level of LNFEX is associated with 0.383352% increase in total export. For China FIEs has caused export enhancement. Given that the value of China's trade surplus has also been increasing substantially, China's efforts to absorb FDI have proved a remarkable achievement. Undoubtedly, FIEs are playing an important role in promoting China's exports.

Cointegration test and the Error-Correction model for the relationship between FIEs' export increment (ZFEX) and China's total export increment (ZTEX)

This empirical analysis employs annual data on ZFEX and ZTEX for China over the period 1985–2008. All the variables considered in the model are expressed in natural logarithms. The augmented Dickey-Fuller test results show that the first differenced forms of the concerned variables are revealed to be stationary. The variables being integrated are of order 1 (i.e. I(1)), the series are tested for a cointegrating relationship between LNZFEX and LNZTEX. The results from the EG cointegration test are estimated as shown below:

(3) In ZTEX = 1 . 092236 ln ZFEX ( 23 . 07358 ) R 2 = 0 . 517697 D . W = 1 . 092659

The test results suggest that the long-run equilibrium relationship holds because it can reject the null hypothesis about the unit root at the five percent significance in the case of the equation (3) residuals. The positive and significant coefficient on LNZFEX suggests that the total export increment (ZTEX) is strongly associated with FIEs' export increment (ZFEX). Its value of 1.092236 implies that a one percent change in the level of FIEs export increment is associated with a 1.092236% increase in total export increment. FIEs' export increment has enhanced China's total export increment: China's exports are highly dependent on FIEs.

The evidence of the cointegration is that the error-correct model (ECM) is used to combine both long-run information and short-run dynamics in the model. After observing the results of cointegration tests with equation (3), the following dynamic error correction (EC) model was constructed and estimated the short-run impacts of the explanatory variables on the total export increment:

(4) d ln ZTEX = 1 . 683533 d ln ZFEX + 0 . 109521 d ln ZFEX ( 1 ) 0 . 807986 u t 1 ( 4 . 442964 ) ( 0 . 277520 ) ( 3 . 918316 ) R 2 = 0 . 588 Adjusted R 2 = 0 . 545

As can be seen from equation (4), the estimated coefficient value of the error correction term in the model is negative and at the five percent significance level, confirming the presence of a long-run relationship among the variables involved.

Interlinkages between FDI and the balance of payments in China

The processing trade has been the engine of China's rapid rise in imports and exports. But the effect of FDI on trade is still lasting and lagging, suggesting that the FDI stock has significantly enlarged China's trade surplus. The empirical analysis employs annual data on FDI and trade balances for China over the period 1990-2010, as reported by China's Statistical Yearbook. Before 1990, the reported trade deficit is taken from China's official data. We calculate the correlation coefficient using FDI (FDI in year t, t   =   1990, 1991, ......2010), FDIC (accumulated FDI by the end of year t, t   =   1990, 1991, ......2010), FDI-1 (FDI inflow in year t-1, t   =   1990, 1991, ......2010), FDIC-1 (accumulated FDI by the end of year t-1, t   =   1990, 1991, ......2010), FDI-2 ((FDI inflow in year t-2, t   =   1990, 1991, ......2010), FDIC-2 (accumulated FDI by the end of year t-2, t   =   1990, 1991, ......2010), and China's trade surplus (TS). The results from correlation test are estimated as shown in Table 4.2:

Table 4.2. The correlation coefficient between FDI and balance of payment in China

TS 0.809149 0.846903 0.764922 0.846655 0.736373 0.849475

Sources: The author's calculations

The results indicate that the trade surplus is positively associated with both annual FDI inflow and FDI stock, particularly the latter.

The positive and significant correlation coefficient suggests that previous FDI is strongly associated with the trade surplus during the following year. This finding confirms a strong tendency for past FDI inflow to influence future trade surplus. Of particular interest is the coefficient on the FDIC, FDIC-1 and FDIC-2. The high value indicates that the level of FDI in the previous year significantly affect the trade surplus in the next year. Statistically speaking, accumulated FDI is an important factor affecting trade surplus.

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Handbook of International Economics

Giovanni Maggi , in Handbook of International Economics, 2014

2.5 Empirical Evidence

The empirical literature on TAs is still in its infancy, but it has seen a considerable acceleration in the last decade or so. In this section I discuss some papers that attempt to get at the underlying motives for TAs, and some that examine the impacts of TAs on trade barriers and trade flows in a more descriptive way. I postpone a discussion of the empirical work on regional trade agreements to Section 4.

2.5.1 Tests of the TOT Theory

A number of recent papers have set out to test the predictions of the TOT theory. Four papers stand out in this group. The first one is Broda et al. (2008), who focus on the prediction that, in a noncooperative scenario, tariffs should tend to be higher for countries/goods where market power (the inverse of the export supply elasticity) is higher. Broda et al. consider the tariffs set by 15 non-WTO countries, on the presumption that these countries choose trade policies in a noncooperative manner. They estimate export supply elasticities by country and good—a significant contribution in itself—and find that these elasticities are related with tariffs in the way predicted by the theory, particularly if one focuses on the variation across goods within a country. Next they control for political-economy determinants of tariffs, using a parsimonious specification á la Grossman-Helpman (with the additional assumption that all industries are politically organized), and find that export supply elasticities retain explanatory power even in the extended specification. 33

Bagwell and Staiger (2011) test the predictions of the TOT model regarding the tariff cuts that a country should make when acceding the WTO. Bagwell and Staiger start by showing that, if demand and supply functions are linear, the model predicts that the tariff cut should be deeper, other things equal, when the noncooperative volume of imports is higher. They then test this prediction across six-digit HS level goods and across 16 countries that acceded the WTO between 1995 and 2005, finding a strong positive correlation. The correlation survives also in the presence of country and good fixed effects, and importantly, it passes the "placebo" test that it should hold only for tariffs on imports from other WTO members, not on imports from non-WTO countries. 34

The papers discussed above focus on non-WTO countries (Broda et al.) or countries that recently joined the WTO (Bagwell and Staiger), so they leave out the vast majority of current WTO countries. Ludema and Mayda (2010) focus instead on the MFN tariffs of all WTO members. Their test of the TOT theory is based on the following idea: the MFN rule causes a well-known free-rider problem in multilateral negotiations, and for this reason negotiations are only partially successful in removing TOT considerations from tariff levels, therefore the negotiated MFN tariffs should still partially reflect the market power of importing countries. Moreover, the correlation between MFN tariffs and market power should be stronger when exporter concentration (as measured for example by the Herfindahl index) is lower, because in this case the free-rider problem is more severe, thus MFN tariffs should be negatively related to the product of exporter concentration and importer market power. Ludema and Mayda test this prediction on a cross-section of MFN tariffs set by WTO members in the Uruguay Round, finding supportive results.

Finally, Bown and Crowley (2013a) test the predictions of a repeated-game version of the TOT model (namely, Bagwell and Staiger's (1990) model of "managed trade") using data on US temporary tariffs imposed under the US's antidumping and safeguard laws over 1997–2006. The key idea of the model is that, if a TA is to be self-enforcing, it needs to provide for "escape clauses" that allow countries to raise tariffs in periods when the temptation to defect from the agreement is stronger, that is when the incentive to manipulate TOT is stronger, which in turn tends to happen when trade volumes are higher. 35 Thus a key prediction of the model is that temporary tariffs should be observed with higher likelihood when import volumes are higher. Bown and Crowley find strong support for this prediction in the data.

Finally, I should mention that there are a number of empirical studies documenting that a country's tariffs can significantly affect its TOT, which of course is a pre-requisite for the empirical relevance of the TOT theory. Papers in this group include Kreinin (1961), Winters and Chang (2000, 2002), and Bown and Crowley (2006).

2.5.2 Tests of the Domestic-Commitment Theory

As a whole, the studies discussed above are quite supportive of the TOT theory. At the same time, I do not think this body of research has established that the TOT motive is the only empirically significant motive for TAs. This leads me to the next question, which is whether other motives for TAs are empirically important. The short answer to this question is that we do not know yet: domestic-commitment theories and New Trade theories of TAs have thus far received less empirical attention than the TOT theory, and the jury is still out. I will start by focusing on the empirical research on the domestic-commitment theory.

The first paper in this area is by Staiger and Tabellini (1999), who test a prediction of their theoretical model (Staiger and Tabellini, 1987), in which the government is subject to a time-inconsistency problem due to the fact that it chooses trade policy after domestic agents have made their allocation decisions. This model suggests that, if the government commits to a TA to address this time-inconsistency problem, the TA should lead to deeper trade liberalization in sectors where the potential for production distortions from protection is larger. Staiger and Tabellini test this prediction by focusing on the sectoral exclusions chosen by the US government in the Tokyo Round of GATT, using as "control" group the US tariff decisions made under the GATT's escape clause, which arguably were not effectively constrained by GATT. Their findings are broadly supportive of the model's prediction.

Limão and Tovar (2011) test their theoretical model (see Section 2.2) using data on tariffs and non-tariff barriers (NTBs) in Turkey. One key prediction of their model is that a government is more likely to commit to a tariff cap in industries where its bargaining power relative to the lobby is lower, and conditional on committing, the tariff cap should be tighter when the government's bargaining power is lower. A key ingredient in testing this prediction is measuring the government's relative bargaining power industry by industry. To do so, Limão and Tovar posit that the relative bargaining power of the government in a given industry is lower when the rate of firm exit in that industry is lower. The idea is that, if the exit rate is lower, the firms (and the lobby that represents them) discount the future less, while the government's discount rate does not vary across industries, and noncooperative bargaining theory suggests that a player's relative bargaining power is higher when his or her relative patience is higher. Using their estimates of relative bargaining powers, Limão and Tovar find that in the Uruguay Round the Turkish government indeed committed to less stringent tariff bindings in industries where its relative bargaining power was stronger, and did not commit at all if the latter was strong enough. 36 It is interesting to note that this finding is broadly consistent also with the predictions of Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare's (1998, 2007) version of the domestic-commitment theory. 37

Liu and Ornelas (2012) test their theory that a TA may serve as a commitment device for a fragile democracy to destroy protectionistic rents and hence reduce the likelihood of coups by rent-seeking authoritarian groups (see Section 2.2), by using data on preferential trade agreements for 116 countries over the period 1960–2007. In line with their model's predictions, Liu and Ornelas find that more fragile democracies are indeed more likely to sign preferential TAs, and that signing a preferential TA in turn lowers the likelihood of democratic failure.

I would summarize the thin empirical literature on the domestic-commitment theory of TAs by saying that it has found support for some predictions of some versions of the theory, but a broad and systematic empirical investigation of this theory is still missing. Ultimately, the hope is to be able to quantify the relative importance of TOT motives and domestic-commitment motives for TAs, but this is certainly no easy task.

2.5.3 Empirical Work on the New Trade Theory

Empirical research focused on New Trade theories of TAs is at the very beginning. I am not aware of any attempts to test these theories with econometric approaches, but a recent paper by Ossa (2013) takes the theory to the data using a calibration approach.

Ossa develops a multi-country model that allows for three drivers of trade protection: TOT effects, profit-shifting effects, and political-economy considerations. 38 The model, which combines elements from Krugman (1980) and Grossman and Helpman (1995a), is calibrated to match observed trade flows and tariffs at the industry level in 2005. Using a technique introduced by Dekle et al. (2007), Ossa performs counterfactual analysis using only estimates of the elasticities of substitution (taken from Broda and Weinstein, 2006), estimates of political-economy weights (taken from Goldberg and Maggi, 1999), and factual levels of trade flows and tariffs. Several interesting findings arise. First, TOT and profit-shifting drivers of protection quantitatively dominate political-economy drivers. Second, a global trade war would lead to tariffs averaging about 60% across industries and countries, and would reduce welfare by about 3.5% relative to the cooperative outcome. Finally, relative to where we are today, the potential gains from further multilateral trade negotiations are negligible.

Whether these are "numbers we can believe in" is not obvious, given the very stylized nature of the model, but this is a thought-provoking paper that points to a promising way forward for addressing important questions such as quantifying the relative importance of different motives for trade protection, the gains achieved by past TAs, and the potential gains from future TAs.

2.5.4 Impacts of the GATT-WTO

In this subsection I briefly discuss a recent wave of papers that have examined the impact of the GATT-WTO on trade barriers and trade flows. This literature was triggered by Rose (2004a), who sent shockwaves through the trade policy community (academic and not) by arguing that the WTO had virtually no impact on trade flows, based on a simple reduced-form regression analysis. In a similar vein, Rose (2004b) argued that the WTO had a negligible effect on the trade policies actually applied by countries.

These papers spawned a number of follow-up studies, most of which qualified Rose's results in significant ways. Subramanian and Wei (2007) show that the impact of WTO has been very uneven across countries and sectors, for example because developing countries enjoyed exemptions from trade liberalization in specific sectors (such as textiles); once these exceptions are accounted for, the WTO is found to significantly promote trade. Tomz et al. (2007) argue that many countries were mistakenly classified as non-members of the GATT, while in reality they were de facto members with similar rights and obligations as formal members, and show that this misclassification leads to underestimating the effect of GATT on trade flows. Liu (2009) shows the importance of "zeroes" in bilateral trade flows: if one takes into account that the WTO has lead new country pairs to initiate bilateral trade—the "extensive partner-level margin" of trade—then the WTO is found to have a significant positive effect on trade. Dutt et al. (2011) find that the impact of WTO membership is significant on the extensive product margin of trade, that is, WTO membership leads to an increase in the number of goods traded, but the impact of the WTO is negligible on the intensive margin (the trade volume of already-traded goods). 39

Next I discuss some recent papers that also examine the effects of TAs on trade flows, but use more structural approaches, and provide some evidence about the mechanisms through which a TA affects trade.

Eicher and Henn (2011) examine the effects of WTO and regional trade agreements on trade flows by considering a panel of 177 countries over 50   years. They start with a reduced-form gravity approach that encompasses the specifications by Rose (2004a), Tomz et al. (2007), and Subramanian and Wei (2007), and find that only regional trade agreements have a significant impact on trade, not the WTO. Then they consider an augmented gravity equation that incorporates a key effect suggested by the TOT theory, namely that countries with more market power should agree to bigger tariff cuts as they join the WTO, and hence their trade volumes should increase by more. When a measure of market power (pre-accession import volumes) is incorporated in the regressions, the WTO is found to have a significant effect for countries with import volumes above the 85th percentile. This finding contributes to reconcile the seemingly contradictory results of reduced-form studies á la Rose (2004a) and theory-driven studies á la Bagwell and Staiger (2010a).

Finally, Handley (2012) and Handley and Limão (2012, 2013) show that the mechanisms through which TAs affect trade flows may be more subtle than just a decrease of tariff levels. These papers argue that, when trade policies are subject to shocks, exporting firms respond not just to changes in the applied levels of trade barriers, but also to changes in the probability that trade barriers might be raised in the future. Thus, by reducing the risk of future protectionist spikes, a TA may encourage investment in export markets and boost trade volumes even if no change in applied policy levels is observed. Handley (2012) focuses on Australia's accession to WTO, finding evidence that this caused an increase in exports to Australia more because committing to WTO bindings removed the risk of future "bad news" for exporters, than because of actual reductions in Australia's applied tariffs. Handley and Limão (2012) find evidence that Portugal's accession to the EC boosted Portuguese exports to other EC countries in spite of the fact that Portugal already enjoyed free access to those countries before accession, thanks to pre-existing preferences, and estimate that a significant fraction of this effect was due to the fact that accession to the EC eliminated the risk faced by Portuguese exporters of losing pre-existing preferences. Finally, Handley and Limão (2013) estimate that a significant portion of China's rapid increase in exports to the US starting in 2001 is explained by the permanent MFN status gained by China as a consequence of its WTO accession, which removed the US threat of imposing "column 2" tariffs on imports from China.

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Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling SET, Vols. 1A and 1B

Peter B. Dixon , Dale W. Jorgenson , in Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, 2013

1.4 Technical aspects of CGE modeling: data, parameter estimation, computation and validation

Behind any policy-relevant CGE result is an enormous amount of background work on data, estimation and computation. Ideally, the result is also supported by model validation. In the early days, each modeling group performed all this background work itself. Nowadays, modelers are often able to draw on shared resources. One such resource is the GTAP database described in Chapter 12. Chapters 17–20 Chapter 17 Chapter 20 discuss other background efforts required to support CGE modeling: econometric parameter estimation, validation and software creation.

Chapter 17 by Dale Jorgenson, Hui Jin, Daniel Slesnick and Peter Wilcoxen and Chapter 18 by Russell Hillberry and David Hummels are devoted to econometric methods for general equilibrium modeling. However, it must be recognized at the outset that calibration of the parameters that determine behavioral responses to economic policy changes is much more common than econometric estimation. This is due in part to the lack of suitable data for econometric modeling of production. However, this obstacle is beginning to disappear with the rapid development of comprehensive datasets for individual industries within the framework of a time series of input-output tables, so-called capital-labor-energy-materials-services (KLEMS) datasets. These are now available for more than 40 countries and many countries, including the US, have incorporated these datasets in their systems of national accounts. Another important source of data for general equilibrium modeling of preferences is cross-section and panel datasets for individual households. These datasets are particularly valuable in capturing the heterogeneity of consumer behavior that is a common finding in microeconometric research.

In Chapter 17, Jorgenson, Jin, Slesnick and Wilcoxen present econometric methods for modeling producer behavior that have been implemented from a KLEMS-type dataset for the US for the period 1960–2006. These methods facilitate the separation of substitution among inputs from technical change as sources of variations in patterns of output, input and productivity for the industrial sectors of IGEM – the model presented in Chapter 8. Technical change is separated into components associated with the rate and biases of technical change. The rate of technical change is defined as the rate of decline of the price of output, holding the prices of the inputs constant. Biases are changes in the shares of inputs in the value of output, again holding the prices of inputs constant. Jorgenson, Jin, Slesnick and Wilcoxen also present econometric methods for modeling consumer behavior. These methods incorporate demographic characteristics of households as determinants of their expenditure patterns. Aggregation over the population transforms the demographic characteristics into the relative shares of different consumer groups in determining aggregate expenditure. Additional determinants include prices and statistics that describe the distribution of total expenditure.

An important ancillary benefit of econometric methods for general equilibrium modeling is that confidence intervals for the outcomes of policy simulations can be derived from econometric estimates of parameters that describe economic behavior. These confidence intervals make it possible to formulate and test the implications of general equilibrium models as statistical hypotheses. Jorgenson, Jin, Slesnick and Wilcoxen illustrate this approach in Chapter 17 by deriving confidence intervals for the outcomes of IGEM simulations. These confidence intervals must be carefully distinguished, for the intervals describe ranges for model outcomes corresponding to different parameter values and different values of the exogenous variables. These ranges reflect the sensitivity of the model outcomes to the underlying determinants but do not involve probability statements. Confidence intervals are associated with probability statements that can be used as the basis for statistical tests and, at least potentially, can provide a powerful new methodology for testing the specifications of general equilibrium models.

In Chapter 18, Hillberry and Hummels point out that CGE models of international trade typically rely on econometrically estimated trade elasticities as model inputs. Major trade-focused CGE models draw elasticities from many different econometric studies. These econometric studies use very different data samples, response horizons and estimating techniques, and arrive at elasticities as much as an order of magnitude different from each other. There is no consensus on which elasticities to use. Hillberry and Hummels review the literature on estimating trade elasticities, focusing on several key considerations: what are the identifying assumptions used to separate supply and demand parameters? What is the nature of the shock to prices employed in the econometrics? And what is the time horizon over which trade responds to this shock? The discussion in Chapter 18 ranges from older reduced form approaches that use time-series variation in prices to more recent work that identifies demand elasticities from trade costs or uses instruments in cross-section or panel data. Hillberry and Hummels consider prominent applications that separately identify supply and demand parameters in the absence of instruments.

They also discuss recent theoretical developments from the literature on heterogeneous firms that complicate the interpretation of all the parameter estimates. They focus on Melitz (2003) who considers monopolistically competitive firms that have different levels of productivity and face fixed costs of domestic production and of exporting. The most productive firms choose to sell domestically and to export; less productive firms sell only to domestic markets and the least productive firms exit. An upward-sloping export supply curve arises through expansion of export sales via the entry of marginally less productive firms charging higher prices. Hillberry and Hummels briefly survey a literature on structural estimation and link this to recent attempts to incorporate such theories in CGE applications (see also Chapter 23). By elucidating the differences and similarities in various approaches to estimation they provide a useful guide to CGE practitioners in choosing elasticity estimates. The authors favor elasticities taken from econometric exercises that employ identifying assumptions and exploit shocks that are similar in nature to those imposed in the model experiment.

In Chapter 19, Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer discuss validation. This topic is a key issue for policy advisors who want to know how much reliance they can place on a particular CGE analysis. Many CGE modelers respond to the reliance question with numerical sensitivity computations. Dixon and Rimmer argue that what is really required is evidence that the analysis under consideration is based on accurate up-to-date data for the relevant part of the economy and adequately captures the crucial behavioral and institutional characteristics. They advocate the use of BOTE models. A well-designed BOTE model has two properties: (i) it reveals the roles of the major behavioral, institutional and data assumptions in causing a model to generate a given result, and (ii) it is small enough to be managed with pencil and paper (on the back of an envelope) and to be presented in a limited timeframe to policy advisors.

In addition to BOTE modeling, the chapter describes three other forms of validation. The first of these is computational validation. Dixon and Rimmer describe test simulations and demonstrate that the value of these simulations goes beyond computational checking. Test simulations are a practical way to become familiar with a model and often reveal modeling weaknesses. The second is consistency with history. Dixon and Rimmer focus on historical simulation. This is a technique whereby a CGE model is reconciled with periods of history by allowing it to determine endogenously movements in technologies, preferences and other shift variables. These implied movements can then be assessed against other information leading to a process of model improvement. The final form of validation discussed in the chapter is the testing of baseline forecasts against reality. The chapter demonstrates that CGE models can produce forecasts at a highly disaggregated level that comfortably beat non-model-based trend forecasts. It also demonstrates that there is considerable potential for more accurate CGE forecasts through conscientious data work and improved methods for projecting trends from historical simulations into forecasting simulations.

Chapter 20 describes and compares the two dominant general-purposes software platforms used for solving CGE models: GEMPACK and GAMS. These two rival platforms are represented in the authorship: Ken Pearson and Mark Horridge for the GEMPACK team and Alex Meeraus and Tom Rutherford for the GAMS team. It is to the credit of the two teams that they were able to cooperate to produce a fascinating chapter. Both GEMPACK and GAMS have made an enormous contribution to CGE modeling since the mid-1980s by largely relieving modelers of the burden of acquiring advanced computing skills and knowledge of solution algorithms. The platforms have also facilitated communication between modelers, allowing effortless transfers of models between sites.

CGE modelers are typically highly committed to their chosen platform, be it GEMPACK or GAMS. Vigorous debate with claims and counterclaims about the relative merits of the two platforms and their change or levels format are a perennial feature of CGE gatherings. This chapter will be compulsory reading for committed modelers. The chapter will also make interesting reading for non-CGE modelers who are contemplating a start in the field. To bring the chapter to life, the authors incorporated a comparison of computational speed between GEMPACK and GAMS. Both platforms were presented with a standard model. In the first comparison, the standard model was given 100 sectors and the respective platforms solved it to a required degree of accuracy. In seven more comparisons the sectoral dimension was gradually increased to 500. GEMPACK outperformed GAMS at all dimensions from 100 to 500 sectors with the time difference at high dimensions being dramatic. Of course, speed is not the only criterion for comparing software platforms. The chapter also discusses the ranges of model features (e.g. complementarity conditions) that can be handled by the two platforms and the available supplementary programs for preparing data and analyzing solutions.

Read full chapter



Optimal Monetary Policy in Open Economies☆

Giancarlo Corsetti , ... Sylvain Leduc , in Handbook of Monetary Economics, 2010

6 Macroeconomic Interdependence Under Asset Market Imperfections

6.1 The natural allocation under financial autarky

The key consequence of asset market imperfections and frictions for monetary policy is that the flexible-price allocation does not generally coincide with the first-best allocation. To elaborate on this point, it is convenient to focus on the special case of financial autarky, for which a number of results can be derived analytically. In such a setup, households and firms do not have access to international borrowing or lending, nor to any other type of cross-border financial contracts; consequently, there is no opportunity to share risk across borders through asset diversification. As under complete markets, we proceed assuming that the distribution of wealth across agents is initially symmetric.

Barring international trade in assets, the value of domestic production has to be equal to the level of public and private consumption in nominal terms. By the same token, the inability to trade intertemporally with the rest of the world imposes that the value of aggregate imports should equal the value of aggregate exports. Using the definitions of terms of trade T t and the real exchange rate Q t , we can rewrite the trade balance condition in terms of aggregate consumption and the real exchange rate in log-linear terms, similar to Eq. (31):

(59) ( 2 a H ϕ - 1 ) Q ˜ t = ( 2 a H - 1 ) ( C ˜ t - C ˜ t * ) .

Proceeding as in Section 2, it is possible to show that under flexible prices, Home and Foreign output will obey the following relations:

(60) ( η + σ ) Y ˜ H , t = ( σ - 1 ) ( 1 - a H ) T ˜ t + η ζ ˆ Y , t + ζ ˆ C , t + μ ˆ t

(61) ( η + σ ) Y ˜ F , t = ( σ - 1 ) ( 1 - a H ) ( - T ˜ t ) + η ζ ˆ Y , t * + ζ ˆ C , t * + μ ˆ t * ,

whereas the terms of trade in turn can be written as a function of relative output:

(62) ( 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ) T ˜ t = Y ˜ H , t - Y ˜ F , t .

Comparing these expressions with their first-best counterparts (32) and (33), it is clear that the transmission of shocks will generally be very different under financial autarky, depending on the values of preference parameters such as σ and ϕ . For instance, because of imperfect risk sharing, a shock that increases the relative supply of domestic output can now appreciate the terms of trade and the real exchange rate, for a low enough trade elasticity, that is, for ϕ < 2 a H - 1 2 a H . 38 Such appreciation would not be possible if markets were complete. See equation (33).

6.2 Domestic and global implications of financial imperfections

As shown in the previous section, with PCP and complete markets, markup shocks always move the economy away from the efficient allocation, creating welfare-relevant trade-offs between output and price stability. The same will obviously be true under financial autarky. Under financial autarky, however, the economy will generally be away from its first-best allocation also in response to efficient shocks.

The literature has paid attention to a few special but informative exceptions, whereas, despite imperfect capital markets, the flexible-price allocation is equal to the first-best allocation. This equivalence is possible by virtue of the mechanism discussed by Helpman and Razin (1978) and Cole and Obstfeld (1991): under some parameter configurations, terms of trade movements in response to shocks maintain the relative value of domestic to foreign output constant, automatically delivering risk insurance, even in the absence of trade in assets. 39

The flexible-price allocation under financial autarky will be efficient if and only if the following condition holds:

(63) D ˜ t = [ σ ( C ˜ t - C ˜ t * ) - Q ˜ t ] - ( ζ ˆ C , t - ζ ˆ C , t * ) = 0.

Expressing the endogenous variables in terms of relative output:

(64) Q ˜ t = ( 2 a H - 1 ) T ˜ t = 2 a H - 1 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ( Y ˜ H , t - Y ˜ F , t ) ,

(65) ( C ˜ t - C ˜ t * ) = ( 2 a H ϕ - 1 ) T ˜ t = 2 a H ϕ - 1 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ( Y ˜ H , t - Y ˜ F , t ) ,

and rearranging, Eq. (63) can be rewritten as:

(66) σ ( 2 a H ϕ - 1 ) - ( 2 a H - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ( Y ˜ H , t - Y ˜ F , t ) - ( ζ ˆ C , t - ζ ˆ C , t * ) = 0.

Clearly, this condition cannot be satisfied in the presence of both preference and technology shocks when these are uncorrelated. In general, there is no parameter configuration for which the flexible-price allocation under financial autarky can be expected to coincide with the first best, even when all shocks are efficient.

The efficient and the financial autarky allocations can instead coincide for each efficient shock in isolation. Assuming technology shocks only, this would be the case when parameters satisfy the following:

(67) σ ϕ = 1 + 1 + ϕ 2 a H ϕ - 1 .

Note that, for ϕ = 1 — the Cobb-Douglas aggregator of domestic and foreign goods — efficiency requires utility from consumption to be logarithmic (σ = 1) as in the case of macroeconomic independence (σϕ = 1). This parameter configuration has been amply analyzed by the monetary policy literature in an open economy after its characterization by Corsetti and Pesenti (2001).

When t condition (67) is violated, in response to fundamental technology shocks, the terms of trade and the real exchange rate will be misaligned relative to the efficient allocation, even under flexible prices, while consumption will be suboptimally allocated across countries. A useful result follows from the fact that when σ ≥ 1, the sign of deviations from the Eq. (67) indicates whether relative Home aggregate demand is too high or too low, relative to the efficient benchmark, in response to productivity gains in one country. In the face of positive technology shocks in the domestic economy, Home aggregate demand will be too high for ϕ ≥ 1, leading to a cross-country demand imbalance and domestic overheating — a term that in our context is defined as excessive demand and activity relative to the efficient equilibrium. It will be too low for 1 > ϕ > 2 a H - 1 2 a H . Correspondingly, the real exchange rate misalignment will take the form of over- or undervaluation, respectively.

For a large home bias in consumption, the case ϕ < 2 a H - 1 2 a H also becomes relevant for our analysis. This case is extensively analyzed in Corsetti et al. (2008a) who characterized it as a "negative transmission" — a positive technology shock associated with excessive relative aggregate demand in the country experiencing it and real overvaluation — brought about by an appreciation of the country's real exchange rate.

The conditions under which the flex-price and the first-best allocation coincide are different in response to preference shocks. Writing out (66) in terms of these shocks only we have

(68) [ σ ( 2 a H ϕ - 1 ) - ( 2 a H - 1 ) ] [ ( σ + η ) ( 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ) - 2 ( 1 - a H ) ( σ - 1 ) ] = 1.

Note that a necessary condition for the above equality to hold is

σ ϕ 1 + 1 - ϕ 2 a H ϕ - 1 ,

implying that efficiency under preference shocks is incompatible with efficiency under technology shocks (see Eq. 67). In general, as for the case of technology shocks, the sign of the deviation from the previous equality indicates whether relative aggregate demand is too high or too low in one country, with respect to the efficient benchmark, leading to a cross-country demand imbalance and domestic overheating under a policy of strict price stability that reproduces the flex-price allocation.

6.3 Optimal policy: trading off inflation with demand imbalances and misalignments

We now proceed to characterize optimal monetary policy in economies with incomplete markets and nominal rigidities focusing on PCP. Under financial autarky and PCP, the NKPC for the Home and Foreign GDP deflator inflation are

(69) π H , t = β E t π H , t + 1 + ( 1 - α β ) ( 1 - α ) α ( 1 + θ η ) { ( η + σ ) ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) + μ ˆ t + - ( 1 - a H ) [ 2 a H ( σ ϕ - 1 ) ( T ˆ t - T ˜ t f b ) - D ˆ t ] }

π F , t * = β E t π F , t + 1 * + ( 1 - α β ) ( 1 - α ) α ( 1 + θ η ) { ( η + σ ) ( Y ˆ F , t - Y ˜ F , t f b ) + μ ˆ t * + - ( 1 - a H ) [ 2 a H ( σ ϕ - 1 ) ( T ˆ t - T ˜ t f b ) - D ˆ t ] } .

With incomplete markets, the last term D ˆ t will generally not be zero, responding to fundamental shocks.

The monetary policy trade-offs associated with financial autarky and PCP are synthesized by the following flow loss function, derived under the standard assumptions of cooperation and an efficient nonstochastic steady-state:

(70) L F A - P C P - 1 2 { ( σ + η ) ( Y ˜ H , t f b - Y ˆ H , t ) 2 + ( σ + η ) ( Y ˜ F , t f b - Y ˆ F , t ) 2 + { θ α ( 1 + θ η ) ( 1 - α β ) ( 1 - α ) π H , t 2 + θ α * ( 1 + θ η ) ( 1 - α * β ) ( 1 - α * ) π F , t * 2 } + - 2 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( σ ϕ - 1 ) ( 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ) ( T ˜ t f b - T ˆ t ) 2 + 2 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( ϕ - 1 ) σ ( 2 a H ϕ - 1 ) - ( 2 a H - 1 ) · [ ( σ ( 2 a H ϕ - 1 ) - ( 2 a H - 1 ) ) T ˆ t - ( ζ ˆ C , t - ζ ˆ C , t * ) D ˆ t } ] 2 } }

The loss function under financial autarky differs from its counterpart with complete markets (Eq. 40) in two respects. First, the coefficient on the terms of trade gap has an additional term, because of the different equilibrium relation between relative output and international relative prices, dictated by the requirement of a balanced trade. Second, in addition to deviations from the efficient level of domestic output and the terms of trade, the loss function also depends on the deviations from the efficient cross-country allocation of aggregate demand, D ˆ t . In general, the objective function thus includes well-defined trade-offs among policy objectives that are specific to heterogeneous agent economies: strict inflation targeting will not be optimal, even in response to efficient shocks.

Taking, as before, a timeless perspective, the optimal cooperative policy is characterized by the following first-order conditions for inflation:

(71) π H , t : 0 = - θ α ( 1 + θ η ) ( 1 - α β ) ( 1 - α ) π H , t - γ H , t + γ H , t - 1 π F , t * : 0 = - θ α * ( 1 + θ η ) ( 1 - α * β ) ( 1 - α * ) π F , t * - γ F , t * + γ F , t 1 * ,

where γH ,t and γ H , t * are the multipliers on the Phillips curves — whose lags appear reflecting the assumption of commitment — and for output

(72) Y ˆ H , t : 0 = ( σ + η ) ( Y ˜ H , t f b - Y ˆ H , t ) - 2 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( σ ϕ - 1 ) ( T ˜ t f b - T ˆ t ) + - 2 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( ϕ - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) D ˆ t + - ( 1 - α β ) ( 1 - α ) α ( 1 + θ η ) [ σ + η - ( 1 - a H ) ( σ - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ] γ H , t + + ( 1 - α * β ) ( 1 - α * ) α * ( 1 + θ η ) ( 1 - a H ) ( σ - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) γ F , t * ,

Y ˆ F , t : 0 = ( σ + η ) ( Y ˜ F , t f b - Y ˆ F , t ) - 2 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( σ ϕ - 1 ) ( T ˜ t f b - T ˆ t ) + + 2 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( ϕ - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) D ˆ t + - ( 1 - α β ) ( 1 - α ) α ( 1 + θ η ) ( 1 - a H ) ( σ - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) γ H , t + + ( 1 - α * β ) ( 1 - α * ) α * ( 1 + θ η ) [ σ + η - ( 1 - a H ) ( σ - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ] γ F , t * ,

whereas we have used the fact that both terms of trade T ˆ t and D ˆ t are linear functions of relative output.

Summing up and taking the difference of the first-order conditions, optimal policy could be expressed implicitly in terms of a global targeting rule that is identical to the one derived under complete markets and PCP (43):

(73) 0 = [ ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ H , t - 1 - Y ˜ H , t - 1 f b ) ] + [ ( Y ˆ F , t - Y ˜ F , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ F , t - 1 - Y ˜ F , t - 1 f b ) ] + θ ( π H , t + π F , t * )

and the following cross-country rule:

(74) 0 = ( σ + η ) { [ ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ H , t - 1 - Y ˜ H , t - 1 f b ) ] - [ ( Y ˆ F , t - Y ˜ F , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ F , t - 1 - Y ˜ F , t - 1 f b ) ] + θ ( π H , t - π F , t * ) } + 4 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( σ ϕ - 1 ) [ [ ( T ˆ t - T ˜ t f b ) - ( T ˆ t - 1 - T ˜ t - 1 f b ) ] - ( σ - 1 ) 2 a H ( σ ϕ - 1 ) θ 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ( π H , t - π F , t * ) ] + 4 a H ( a - a H ) ( ϕ - 1 ) 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ( D ˆ t - D ˆ t - 1 )

Comparing this expression to the targeting criterion derived under complete markets (44), observe that only the first two terms in output gaps and inflation differentials are identical. In line with the differences already pointed out in our discussion of the loss functions, the incomplete markets rule depends on an additional term in D ˆ t , and the coefficient of the term in relative prices and inflation differentials reflects misalignments due to balanced trade. Because of these misalignments, even under the special conditions implying no misallocation in cross-country demand D ˆ t = 0 , the trade-off between relative inflation and relative prices will generally not be proportional to that between relative output gaps and relative inflation in the face of either supply or demand shocks (either Eq. 67 or 68).

Useful insights in the international dimensions of the monetary policy trade-offs can be gained by comparing the earlier targeting rules under incomplete markets and PCP with the ones derived under complete markets and LCP This is emphasized by the literature as a case where the deviation from the divine coincidence is specifically motivated by openness-related distortions (nominal rigidities in the import sectors). For the sake of tractability, we carry out this comparison imposing the simplifying assumption η = 0.

We first rewrite the earlier decentralized targeting rule (74) replacing the terms of trade with the real exchange rate:

(75) 0 = { [ ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ H , t - 1 - Y ˜ H , t - 1 f b ) ] - [ ( Y ˆ F , t - Y ˜ F , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ F , t - 1 - Y ˜ F , t - 1 f b ) ] + θ σ 1 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) [ 2 a H ( σ ϕ - 1 ) - ( σ - 2 ) ] ( π H , t - π F , t * ) } + 4 a H ( 1 a H ) 2 a H - 1 ( σ ϕ - 1 σ ) [ ( Q ˆ t - Q ˜ t f b ) - ( Q ˆ t - 1 - Q ˜ t - 1 f b ) ] + 4 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( ϕ - 1 ) σ [ 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ] ( D ˆ t - D ˆ t - 1 )

as to make it directly comparable with the analogous targeting rule with LCP and complete markets (??). Looking at the two expressions, it is apparent that in either case optimal monetary policy has an international dimension: domestic goals (inflation and output gaps) are traded off against the stabilization of external variables. These external variables include the real exchange rate and, for the economy under financial autarky, the demand gap. However, at least two differences stand out. The first one concerns the coefficients of similar terms. In the economy with complete markets and LCP, the coefficients of the inflation term and the real exchange rate gap are θ > 0 and σ > 0, respectively. In the economy analyzed in this section, the corresponding coefficients also depend on the degree of home bias a H and on the elasticities σ and ϕ, and can have either sign. This confirms the idea that openness and elasticities are likely to play a key role in shaping policy trade-offs in open economies when markets are incomplete.

The second difference concerns the implications of the new term D ˆ t capturing demand imbalances, which, recalling that D ˜ t f b = 0 , could be decomposed into two components, the terms of real exchange rate misalignments and cross-country consumption gaps:

D ˆ t - D ˜ t f b = σ ( ( C ˆ t - C ˜ t f b ) - ( C ˆ t * - C ˜ t * f b ) ) - ( Q ˆ t - Q ˜ t f b ) .

In our analysis of the economy with LCP and complete markets, we have seen that, if η = 0, we can write the trade-off with relative (CPI) inflation either in terms of the cross-country consumption gap, or in terms of the real exchange rate misalignment as these are proportional to each other. A similar result does not arise with incomplete markets, since, in this case, real exchange rate misalignments depend on both the cross-country consumption gaps and the output gap differentials as follows:

4 ( 1 - a H ) a H ϕ σ ( Q ˆ t - Q ˜ t f b ) = ( 2 a H - 1 ) σ [ ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ F , t - Y ˜ F , t f b ) - ( 2 a H - 1 ) ( ( C ˆ t - C ˜ t f b ) - ( C ˆ t * - C ˜ t * f b ) ) ] .

Hence, the noninflation terms in the targeting rule (76) are always a function of both components of the demand gap. The intuition for such a difference is straightforward: in contrast to the case of complete markets, closing the real exchange rate misalignments under financial autarky does not automatically redress the relative consumption gap, thus posing a trade-off for optimal monetary policy.

Further insights can be gained by combining the target criteria, rewriting them in terms of decentralized rules specific to each country, again for η = 0. Focusing on the Home country, the decentralized rule in the incomplete-market, PCP economy is

0 = θ π H , t + [ ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ H , t - 1 - Y ˜ H , t - 1 f b ) ] + 1 / 2 2 ( 1 - a H ) - σ ( 1 - 2 a H ϕ ) [ 4 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( σ ϕ - 1 ) ( 1 - 2 a H ( 1 - ϕ ) ) + ( 4 ( 1 - a H ) a H ϕ σ + ( 2 a H - 1 ) 2 ) ( 2 a H ( 2 - ϕ ( 1 + σ ) ) + ( σ - 1 ) ) ] . σ - 1 [ ( T ˆ t - T ˜ t f b ) - ( T ˆ t - 1 - T ˜ t - 1 f b ) ] + 1 / 2 2 ( 1 - a H ) - σ ( 1 - 2 a H ϕ ) [ 4 a H ( 1 - a H ) ( ϕ - 1 ) + ( 2 a H - 1 ) ( 2 a H ( 2 - ϕ ( 1 + σ ) ) + ( σ - 1 ) ) ] σ - 1 ( D ˆ t - D ˆ t - 1 )

It is useful to write out the corresponding rule under complete markets and LCP as follows:

0 = θ ( a H π H , t + ( 1 - a H ) π F , t ) + [ ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) - ( Y ˆ H , t - 1 - Y ˜ H , t - 1 f b ) ] + - ( 1 - a H ) 2 a H ( σ - 1 ) σ - 1 ( Δ ˆ t - Δ ˆ t - 1 ) + - ( 1 - a H ) ( 2 a H ( σ - 1 ) + 1 ) σ - 1 [ ( T ˆ t - T ˜ t f b ) - ( T ˆ t - 1 - T ˜ t - 1 f b ) ] .

Comparing the two previous expressions, it is apparent that optimal monetary policy trades off output gaps and inflation against the stabilization of the terms of trade, and either deviations from the law of one price for the LCP complete-market economy, or the demand gap for the economy under financial autarky and PCP. Interestingly, however, these trade-offs are shaped by different parameters, particularly concerning the coefficients multiplying the external variable objectives. These coefficients can be quite large in the financial autarky economy, particularly under parameterizations for which σ (1 − 2a H ϕ) is close to 2(1 − a H) in value. This suggests that the trade-offs with external variables related to incomplete market distortions can be significant, compared to those related to multiple nominal distortions, as thoroughly investigated in related work of ours (Corsetti, Dedola, & Leduc, 2009b).

To conclude our analysis, it is worth commenting on the optimal policy under a special parameterization of the model assuming log utility and a Cobb-Douglas consumption aggregator; that is, σ = ϕ = 1, recurrent in the literature after Corsetti and Pesenti (2005). Using our analytical results, it is easy to verify that, under PCP, the expressions for the target criteria under financial autarky and complete markets coincide without implying the same allocation outcomes. The reason for the discrepancy in allocations is that, while the two targeting criteria are formally identical, the welfare-relevant output gaps behave differently across the two market structures. As already shown, under financial autarky and σ = ϕ = 1 the flexible price allocation is only efficient in response to productivity shocks, not to preference shocks.

To wit, using the Phillips curves, it is easy to verify that, if σ = ϕ = 1, keeping inflation at zero in response to preference shocks implies inefficient output gaps:

(76) ( 1 + η ) [ ( Y ˆ H , t - Y ˜ H , t f b ) ] = ( 1 - a H ) ( ζ ˆ C , t - ζ ˆ C , t * ) , ( 1 + η ) [ ( Y ˆ F , t - Y ˜ F , t f b ) ] = ( 1 - a H ) ( ζ ˆ C , t - ζ ˆ C , t * ) ,

whereas by Eq. (66), under the relevant parameterization, D ˆ t is equal to the negative of the preference shock differential ( ζ ˆ C , t - ζ ˆ C , t * ) , and thus independent of policy. Inefficient output gaps in turn translate into terms of trade and real exchange rate misalignments. Under financial autarky, Eq. (62) implies that a positive Home output differential, whatever its origin, can only weaken the country's terms of trade. Conversely, in the first-best allocation, a positive Home output differential resulting from a shock to Home preferences is associated with stronger Home terms of trade, since the terms of trade also respond directly to such a shock:

T ˜ t f b = ( Y ˜ H , t f b - Y ˜ F , t f b ) - ( 2 a H - 1 ) ζ ˆ C , t = - η 1 + η ( 2 a H - 1 ) ζ ˆ C , t .

It immediately follows that the resulting misalignment is of the same sign as the preference shocks:

T ˆ t - T ˜ t f b = 1 1 + η [ 1 + η ( 2 a H - 1 ) ] ζ ˆ C , t .

As stressed by Devereux (2003), even though the exchange rate would respond to fundamental shocks, acting as a shock absorber, it will not foster an efficient allocation.

Thus, a monetary stance geared to implementing the flexible price allocation in response to all efficient shocks cannot be optimal, as is the case with complete markets. On the contrary, the optimal policy responds similarly to preference shocks as it does to markup shocks by accommodating them in relation to the degree of openness of the economy. 40

6.4 International borrowing and lending

The analytical results derived for the case of financial autarky provide an effective interpretive key to study economies with trade in some assets. Figure 6 shows impulse responses to shocks to preferences under the optimal policy. The figures contrast, under PCP, the financial-autarky economy characterized earlier with an economy in which households can internationally trade a noncontingent bond denominated in Home currency.

Figure 6. Home preference shock and optimal policy under alternative financial structures.

Consider first the response to a positive shock to Home preferences for current consumption. In a first-best allocation, such a shock would tend to increase both Home and Foreign output in relation to openness and have a direct effect on international prices, causing a Home real appreciation. There would be no demand imbalance. The extent of inefficiencies in the incomplete-market economies is apparent from figure. Whether or not international borrowing and lending is possible, the optimal policy has to trade off competing domestic and external goals. As a result, the output gap is positive in the Home country, and negative in the Foreign country. The excessive differential in outputs across country maps into misalignments in international prices. The real exchange rate and thus the terms of trade are inefficiently weak. The demand gap is overall negative, pointing to a negative imbalance, at the current real exchange rate, in relative Home consumption. This is in turn mirrored by an inefficiently high level of real net exports. Note that, by pursuing a tighter Home monetary stance, relative to the stance consistent with the efficient allocation, the Home monetary authorities react to the misalignment and the negative demand imbalances. The optimal policy aims at containing the differences in output gaps and strengthening the Home real exchange rate, thus reducing the relative demand gap at the cost of some negative GDP inflation (positive in the Foreign country).

The qualitative responses in the figure are the same across market structures, particularly concerning the monetary stance. Introducing borrowing and lending does not change the fundamental transmission channels through which optimal policy redresses the inefficiencies in the economy. It is worth stressing that these channels affect the fundamental valuation of output via relative price adjustment— rather than involving any systematic attempt to manipulate the ex post value of nominal bonds via inflation and depreciation, as to make returns contingent on the state of the economy. 41

However, the size of the deviations from the first-best allocation is substantially smaller in the bond economy. This reflects the fact that, under the adopted parameterization, international trade in bonds allows households to self-ensure against temporary shocks, thus limiting the deviations from the first best in the incomplete market economy with flexible prices. 42 Yet, even in this economy, the optimal policy can still achieve a welfare-improving allocation by trading off some movements in inflation and output gaps for smaller movements in currency misalignments and demand gaps.

6.5 Discussion

In this section, we argue that incomplete asset markets create new and potentially important policy trade-offs, in line with the notion that misalignments can and are likely to arise independently of nominal and monetary distortions, and that frictions in financial markets lead to cross-country demand imbalances. 43 In the economies discussed earlier, the optimal policy consists of reacting to shocks to correct consumption and employment both within and across borders, typically addressing over- and underappreciation of exchange rates.

Optimal monetary policy in open-economy models with incomplete markets is the subject of a small but important strand of the literature. Among these contributions, we have already mentioned Devereux (2004), who builds an example of economies under financial autarky hit by demand shocks in which, even when the exchange rate is a fundamental shock absorber, it may be better to prevent exchange rate adjustment altogether. 44 The reason is the same as the one previously discussed: with incomplete international financial markets, the flexible-price allocation is inefficient. Under PCP, Benigno (2009) found large gains accruing from cooperative policies relative to the flexible price allocation in economies where the nonstochastic steady state is assumed to be asymmetric because of positive net foreign asset holdings by one country. 45 Similar to the analysis in this chapter, the working paper version of Benigno's (2001) paper, characterizes welfare differences between cooperative policies and the flexible price allocation in economies with incomplete markets but no steady-state asymmetries. Benigno (2001, 2009), however, assumed purchasing power parity, hence abstracts from misalignments that are instead central to more recent contributions. 46

Welfare costs from limited international asset trade are discussed by Devereux and Sutherland (2008), who posit a model in which markets are effectively complete under flexible prices and with no random elements in monetary policy. In their analysis, strict inflation targeting also closes misalignments and attains the efficient allocation vis-à-vis technology shocks in accord with the results in the first part of this chapter. In Corsetti et al. (2009b), we reconsider the same issue in standard open macro models with incomplete markets, pointing out that inward-looking monetary policies like strict inflation targeting may well result in (rather than correcting) misalignments in exchange rates. We characterize monetary policy trade-offs arising in incomplete-market economies, identifying conditions under which optimal monetary policy redresses these inefficiencies, achieving significant welfare gains. The size or even the sign of the gaps in relative demand and international prices shaping policy trade-offs in open economies can vary significantly with the values of preference parameters such as σ and ϕ, the degree of openness, the nature and persistence of shocks, and especially the structure of financial markets.

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