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Origami is a fun past-time that many people enjoy. However, the apparent complexity of the art acts as a barrier for those looking to make their first creation. For anyone seeking an easy, entry level project, here are the steps to making an Origami Darth Vader as presented by the Origami Yoda book series.


  1. 1

    Choose your paper. It is essential that the right paper is chosen for the task. For a simple Darth Vader, construction paper is more than suitable for the project.

    • The are many types of origami paper available online such as "kami" which is specifically meant for projects like these. Try searching for some alternatives if construction paper isn't your style, or if you are interested in doing more sophisticated origami in the future.
    • It is essential that any paper chosen for origami is flexible enough to fold into small shapes, and yet be firm enough to hold the shape it is given.
  2. 2

    Cut the paper to size. How big should the paper be? While the goal here is to make a Vader that can be used as a finger puppet, it depends on the desired end result. For a finger puppet sized Vader, take a standard piece of 8.5 x 11 inch paper and cut out a rectangle that is 4.25 x 5.5 inches. In other words, one-fourth of the paper.

    • While the 4.25 x 5.5 inch paper is standard for a finger puppet Vader, the following instructions can be followed for paper of any size. The only limit to origami is your imagination.
  3. 3

    Fold into thirds. Orient the paper vertically and fold the left third into the center. Repeat this process with the left. The folds should overlap each other once completed.

    • This is called a valley fold and is one of the 3 main types of folds used in the Origami Darth Vader.
  4. 4

    Make Two 45° Folds. Start by taking the top corner of the outer flap and fold it out at a 45° angle. This should create a triangle flap that sticks out just past the paper. Now repeat this step for the inner flap.

    • A fold that causes the paper to rise or stick out is called a mountain flap. This is the second of three fold types used in this project.
  5. 5

    Fold the top third down. Take the top third that contains the folded triangles and fold it down on top of the paper. The result should look like the beginnings of a mask on top of Vader's body.

  6. 6

    Fold the top corners back. Take the top two corners of Vader's mask and fold them back. This will take the head from being a boring square to a rounded mask with a more accurate, albeit cartoony, shape.

  7. 7

    Fold up the mask's bottom. Give Vader his breathing device by folding his mask up less than a finger's width from the bottom. Now squash down the corners of his new breathing device.

    • This is called a squash fold, the last of the fold types used in this project. It is less of a fold and more of a way to squash the paper into the desired shape.
  8. 8

    Fold the mask's bottom corners. The squash fold left some extra paper sticking out that needs to hide behind Vader's mask. For this step, take the bottom half of the triangles on each side of Vader's breathing device and fold them behind his mask. This will give the project a cleaner and more polished look once completed.

    • Congratulations, that was the last fold required for your very own Darth Vader finger puppet. However, there are many ideas to spice up your origami creation. Below are just a few of the ideas recommended by the puppet's designer.
  9. 9

    Decorate your creation. While the folding is complete, the creation looks rather plain. To remedy this, markers, colored pencils, or crayons can be used to draw in the face, breathing device, and control box.

  10. 10

    Create a lightsaber blade. To create the lightsaber blade, take a piece of red paper 2.5 x 1.5 inches and fold the left third into the center followed by the right. The result should look similar to step three of this process.

    • Glue can be used to hold the folds together, creating a more solid looking saber. However, this deviates from the traditional definition of origami, so the choice is up to you.
  11. 11

    Create a lightsaber handle. Take a piece of 1.5 x 0.5 inch grey paper and apply a thin layer of glue to one side. Then, with the glue side down, wrap it around the base of the lightsaber blade. This should cover 0.5 inches of the blade and act as the handle for the saber.

  12. 12

    Attach the lightsaber to Darth Vader. Take the lightsaber and place it under the fold on Vader's right side. Glue can be applied for a more permanent attachment. Enjoy, your very own origami Darth Vader is now complete.

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