Joel Cooper Origami Gnome King Crease Pattern

There are a lot of really cool looking origami masks out there.

Joel Cooper is undoubtedly the master when it comes to designing paper masks. He has a very distinct style where he uses tessellations and other techniques to create some amazing looking masks that follow an ancient sort of Greek or maybe Babylonian style.

He also sells his creations on his own Etsy store so if you like his work be sure to check out the store as well. Each mask is a limited edition work of art.

While most of the images in this post are designed and folded by Joel Cooper we also have some other great masks by some other excellent artists such as this one by Alexandr Pak.

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Mask, Designed and Folded by Alexandr Pak

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This mask is designed after the Greek god Triton, the messenger of the sea.

Triton Mask
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Triton, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's another incredible mask by Joel Cooper which I guess is designed after the Roman emperor Constantine.

Constantine Mask
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Constantine, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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This mask is called Ozymandias.

Ozymandias Mask
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Ozymandias, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's another great mask by Alexander Pak. You can tell that he has a very different style from Joel Cooper.

Paper Mask
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Mask, Designed and Folded by Alexander Pak

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With this mask Joel Cooper was trying to go for a terra cotta look.

Solace Mask
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Solace, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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This mask is designed to look like a gnome king.

Gnome King Mask
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Gnome King, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's something very different by Joel Cooper.

Triplet Mask
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Triplet, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's another mask by Joel Cooper after the folding and before he paints it.

Hieronymus Rex
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Hieronymus Rex, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Asterius is a giant from Greek mythology and here it is in mask form.

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Asterius, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's another great mask by Alexander Pak to change things up a bit.

Paper Mask
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Mask, Designed and Folded by Alexander Pak

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This mask is painted to give it more of a brass feel. If you click through to the original image on Flickr you'll see a very detailed explanation from Joel Cooper detailing how he made the paint and what he did to give the mask the metallic look.

Brazen Rex
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Brazen Rex, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's another awesome mask by Joel Cooper.

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Jeremiah, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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I really like how the pattern on the helmet at the top of this mask looks.

Paper Mask
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Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's another similar mask with that great pattern at the top.

Mask by Joel Cooper
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Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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I really like the painting on this mask which makes it look almost like it's made out of stone.

Aelfred by Joel Cooper
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Aelfred, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Here's another great mask design by Alexander Pak.

Round Mask
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Mask, Designed and Folded by Alexander Pak

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This mask has quite an impressive looking beard.

Mask by Joel Cooper
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Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Brian Chan designed this absolutely fantastic Guy Fawkes mask that looks exactly like the real thing.

Guy Fawkes Mask
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Guy Fawkes Mask, Designed by Brian Chan and Folded by Lee bo-yeon

Video instructions available from Jo Nakashima's YouTube channel

Our final model for this post is another amazing mask by Joel Cooper. This one is designed after the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.

Nebuchadnezzar Mask
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Nebuchadnezzar, Designed and Folded by Joel Cooper

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Which one of these origami masks was your favourite? Let us know in the comments!

Joel Cooper Origami Gnome King Crease Pattern


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