How to Make an Easy Origami Dragon Full Instructions

Would you like to try making an origami dragon? If yes then let's make this origami dragon together hence I will be teaching you today how to make an easy origami dragon.

You can make this dragon with a few simple and easy folds so do not worry only follow the instruction given below and your origami dragon will be rest in no time.

In this current article, I will share the easiest steps to make an easy origami dragon along with the images. So you will find it easy to understand and make it on your own.

How to make easy origami dragon

How To Make An Easy Origami Dragon On Your Own?

Making an origami dragon is super easy and fun to make. If you are going to make this for the very first time then I will like to suggest you use a large size paper however that will make your craft easier.

I have created a step by step video on how to make origami dragons.

You Need 2 EssentialsTo Make Origami Dragon

1. Origami paper
2. Regular Black Pencils or Sketch

The Simplest Steps To Make Origami Dragon At Home

You can take any colour of origami paper to make this dragon. It can be made in big or small sizes as per your wish. Just follow the instructions carefully given below and make it along you will see at the end you will be having an origami dragon in your hand.

By the way, I have also written a detailed blog on a dragon that actually flaps.

Get an Origami Sheet to Start

Take one small sheet of origami paper and then fold the paper diagonally. Once folding is done, make a proper crease by putting finger pressure on. Here you can see a center crease.

 Making Second Folding to Create Origami Dragon

After the first fold, open the paper and similarly fold it from the other side. Then make a proper crease on the folding.

For any doubt or confusion, while making this origami dragon, I am putting images with each step that may help you all. You can for your reference.

Third Folding According to The Center Line to Create Origami Dragon

Once the above folding is done from both sides then, open the paper and you can see a crease. Further, fold the paper from both sides until the center crease.

Similarly, do it on the other side. Add a little pressure and make a proper crease of each fold. If you'd like your kids to try making origami mermaids, you can give another blog of mine a glance.

 Fourth Folding to Create Paper Dragon

Once the above folding is done then you have to open the fold and again fold it from the other side same as above. If you are an origami crafts lover then you can learn different origami crafts made by me.

 Center Fold Of The Paper

Now, open all the folding and hold the paper from the center as shown below. Do not get confused just look carefully at the image below and do the folding. This fold is very simple and it's getting fold easily due to the crease.

Flip the Paper and Overlap from the Opposite Side

Now you can see two small fold is popping out, so you have to flatten that fold to one side first. And after that, you have to flip the paper and overlap it slightly as you can see below in the image.

But make sure you are doing it slowly and putting pressure well to create the crease.

Fold the paper from the Center

Now you have to hold the paper and slowly fold it from the center as you see in the image below and then slowly flatten it.

Create a Fins Of Dragon

Now you can see two small fins popping out on both sides however, you have to fold those small fins into equal half as shown in the image.

 Create Neck of a Dragon

Now take the fold and then slowly fold it from the downside using your thumb as you can see in the image below. Then fold the paper properly and put a crease on it.

creating a neck of the dragon

Now It's Time to Create a Dragon Beak

Here you can see one small piece of paper popping out. You have to do two folds to make a proper beak of a dragon. First, fold it towards the inside and then flatten the fold properly.

creating a beak of the dragon

 Create a Tail Of a Dragon

Now you have to fold it on the backside of the paper however, you have folded above similarly.

creating a tail of the origami dragon

Make a Curl Of a Dragon Tail

Now, take any pencil or sketch pen and place it at the tail and roll it then open it. Similarly, do it 2 – 3 times and then leave it. You will see the beautiful curl at the tail of the dragon.

Note: Also, if you want you can highlight the tail by putting some cutouts at the edge of it.

Making dragon tail curl

Supremely Easy Origami Dragon Is Ready to Decorate

See your beautiful origami dragon is ready. Make this paper dragon along with your kid and share some of your childhood stories. Therefore, this will be the perfect origami craft to start with.

Make Easy Origami Dragon

 Try out these super easy steps and make your own origami paper dragon at home. However, I hope you will find the given instructions easy and helpful.

Stay Connected With Me On Social Media

You will love watching this in video form and will also learn instantly. If you're active on Instagram and YouTube, feel free to get more ideas from me. I've also created a sample number of videos, on my Instagramaccount and YouTube channel.

How Origami Crafts Will Help Young Kids and Beginners?

Any kind of art and craft helps to relieve stress. It has also been proven scientifically that it helps with mental illness as well. For children, origami crafts are the best indoor activity. Also, children can easily do these origami crafts if you encourage them.

Origami arts and crafts are super easy and cute to make your own. It helps you to be more creative and a problem thinker. Origami crafts are having educational benefits.

These Origami dragons are cute and best for kids and adults. It's always better to make crafts with your kids and loved ones. Kids love making papercrafts. It helps kids to develop lots of skills.

In case you get stuck anywhere, feel free to leave your queries in the comments section after the blog. I will surely get back to you with answers to your queries.

 Go try out making this beautiful Origami Dragon. Also, please let me know how it came out and your experience in the comments section below. I would love to hear it from you:)

How to Make an Easy Origami Dragon Full Instructions


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