Make a Paper Cd Case Origami

CD Jewel Case Frames

Kelly Jensen

This project is an excerpt from Photojojo!: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas.

Come clean. Most of your walls are as bare as the day you moved in. Plus we know you've got a mess of CDs gathering dust in your closet. After all, who listens to CDs anymore?

Looks like you've got yourself two separate problems. But to the trained observer, the sage of interior design, and the knower of all things photographic (um, that's us), there is a single, efficient, even elegant solution. Consider this a friendly intervention. This clever project uses CD jewel cases to make rearrangeable, refillable photo frames for those empty walls of yours. Hang them individually, or tile them together to make a photo mural, shown opposite. As for the rest of your retro-clutter, you're on your own. After last year's magnetic tape–weaving disaster, we're not even getting near your VHS collection.

You Will Need:

Many lovely photographs printed at 5" x 7" (12.5cm x 18cm)
CD jewel cases (the standard size, not the slim kind)
Cardboard, approximately 5" x 6" (12.5cm x 15cm)
Tape (double-sided works best; archival if you're picky)
Velcro tape or removable adhesive, such as Glue Dots
5" x 7" (12.5cm x 18cm) photo paper

To Make One Frame:

1. Remove the plastic insides that hold the CD from your jewel case. Take out the paper insert from underneath and remove the perforated edges. Trace an outline around the insert onto the cardboard, then cut it out. (You'll use these cardboard inserts to back your photographs and prevent them from buckling.)

2. Crop your photo to exactly 5 3/8" x 4 5/8" (13.65cm x 11.75cm) to fit snugly in the back of the jewel case.

3. Attach the cardboard cutout to the back of the cropped photograph using double-sided tape. Then, plop the photo into the back of the jewel case, facing out. Close the jewel case.

4. Affix a piece of the hooked side of the Velcro tape to the back of your finished case and a piece of the looped side of the Velcro tape to the spot on the wall where you'll hang your frame. Alternatively, place the removable adhesive on all 4 corners of the back of the case and stick it on the wall.

To Make a Mural:

1. For this version, you'll need one high-resolution digital photo. Resize it in Photoshop (or your image editor du jour) to at least 26 1/2" by 18 1/4" (67cm x 46cm).

2. Set the selection tool to a fixed size of 5 3/8" x 4 5/8" (13.65cm x 11.75cm). Starting in the top left corner of the photo, select an area and copy it.

3. Create a new document sized 5 3/8" x 4 5/8" (13.65cm x 11.75cm) at the same resolution as your large photo. Paste the selection you just copied into this document.

4. In the large photo, line up a vertical guide at the right edge of the selection you just copied in step 2 and a horizontal guide at its bottom edge. Make sure the "snap to guides" setting is enabled (located in the View menu in most programs). Move the selection marquee to the right (if using Photoshop, hold down the Shift key while moving the marquee). The left edge should now align with the vertical guide you just added. Copy and paste the selection into the small document.

5. Keep repeating step 4 until you have copied and pasted all areas of the large photograph and you have 20 layers in the small document. (Whenever you move down a row in the large document, remember to add a horizontal guide underneath the latest selection.)

6. Print out each layer of the small document one at a time on 5" x 7" (12.5cm x 18cm) photo paper. Now you can follow steps 1–4 of the single frame instructions to create your individual frames. When it comes time to hang them on the wall, reassemble the picture in order, and place the jewel cases as close together as possible. Ta-dah! Super stylish, yet super eco. Good-bye empty walls and lame old CD cases! Nice work, pal.

Photojojo Fact!

Your friends might just be green with envy over this resourceful photo project, but you'll be living life even greener. CD jewel cases are made with PVC plastic, nonrecyclable in most communities. So get crafty and upcycle unwanted jewel cases into photo frames. It's a great way to keep trash out of the landfill while kissing those plain old walls good-bye.

A Century + of Music Packaging

1877: Thomas Edison invents the phonograph. By the 1880s, music on wax cylinders is being sold in cardboard tubes similar to modern-day oatmeal cartons.

1894: Gramophone records begin to compete with phonograph cylinders, surpassing them in popularity by the early 1900s. Originally simple paper sleeves, record covers became works of art by the 1960s. One of the most sought-after record covers today is the "butcher cover" of The Beatles' "Yesterday . . . and Today," a cover considered so vulgar by U. S. fans that it was pulled even before its full retail distribution.

1963: Phillips introduces the compact cassette tape, which was to drive the bloated 8-track to extinction. With the onset of audio tape recorders, the handwritten scrawl of the teen mixtape becomes ubiquitous.

1982: The first compact disc is produced in Germany (it was "The Visitors" by ABBA). Each CD originally came in a 12" tall cardboard box so it could be sold on record store shelves intended for vinyl LPs.

1994: MP3 files begin to inundate the Internet. The age of music as molecules comes to an end as the age of music as bits begins.

Courtesy of Photojojo!: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas – available at beginning September 15, 2009.

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Make a Paper Cd Case Origami


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